Comments on: Minecrafts “Full Release” The official blog of Alblaka Mon, 27 Oct 2014 22:26:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: bbqroast Tue, 13 Dec 2011 04:37:51 +0000 Finally someone with some sense!
Yes the RPG elements suck! Oh look now Minecraft has a leveling system, soon we are going to be right clicking on blocks and selecting mine only to have “You do not have a pick that you have the level to wield that can break this block in your inventory”.
Also if the API does come out I doubt it will have the features to run IC2 it may even have less power than ModLoader (not that ModLoader isn’t insanely good at its job).

By: Gaxx Mon, 05 Dec 2011 12:13:47 +0000 “For example, using the BC pump and then having a machine that filled cells with fuel, oil, lava and water fed by pipes would be awesome.”

that’s exactly my thought. also: if you could connect BC waterproof pipes directly with a generator you could create very efficient watermill-generator-blocks or geothermal-powerplants in the nether by pumping lava from the ocean and store the energy in lapotron crystals or lava in cells. doing something similiar today requieres a lot of manual labour.

By: Alblaka Sun, 27 Nov 2011 18:13:18 +0000 What else could it possibly be :3

Did i mention i’Ve gotten access to the SMNC beta? 😛

By: Offboss Sun, 27 Nov 2011 17:19:44 +0000 What is MNC? Monday Night Combat?

By: aib Fri, 25 Nov 2011 07:25:13 +0000 That reminds me – I should catch up on xkcd :).

I agree with you completely. Really, there’s nothing more to say there :). The initial approach to MC made it possible, but it has to change soon if MC is going to be anything near maintainable or extendable.

But I think the frequent new features are what keeps MC alive at the moment. I don’t think masses’ attention spans can outlive an exclusive rewrite from scratch or a major refactoring; that’s why Notch has to keep coming up with new features and someone has to keep implementing them to try them out.

By: Dee Thu, 24 Nov 2011 15:04:30 +0000 From what I’ve seen of it the enchantment system from playing the prereleases and doing some research it doesn’t seem overpowered for the most part. Generally getting any of the more useful enchantments require a lot of grinding (or a lot of luck) and despite what you saw with the fortune enchantment in the past there actually isn’t any way to duplicate items with it. This is mostly because it doesn’t work on anything that can be placed as a block such as iron and gold or turned into a block like clay and snow. My guess for what happened back when it duplicated TNT is that notch simply used the wrong block id when trying to include redstone ore in the list of acceptable blocks (since at the time it didn’t work on that). The only enchantment I can see being a possible issue with IC² is silk touch which might allow players to have a hundred percent drop chance on machines depending on how it’s coded but, even if that is the default setting I know notch has been able to take things off that list in the past so there’s probably a work around. Although it would probably be important to make sure rechargeable tools and armor can’t be enchanted since the tools breaking is a important balancing factor in enchanting. I also wanted to mention your mod has been my favorite so far, I just hadn’t looked it up in a while since I assumed IC² would take a bit longer to make.

By: Slizyboy Wed, 23 Nov 2011 20:43:17 +0000
^ We should figure out a way to send that back in time to Notch and convince him to listen to it. Then again, we might never get Minecraft if we do that, cause he might spend forever developing the ‘general solution’.

Honestly, in Notch’s case, I think he started out Minecraft the right way: throw features at it, see what works, see what doesn’t. However, as a solo coder, you don’t have much motivation to clean up your code, just like many people don’t like cleaning their rooms. You remember where you put everything last, why organize it?

Then he started getting cash and hiring more dudes. At this point, also legit to keep throwing new features in, since the game is still half-baked. However, some time should’ve been spent towards code quality, not code quantity. Towards the end (I’m thinking 1.6, maybe 1.7), some dedicated resources should’ve been allocated to looking at old abstractions and doing hard, tedious, painful refactors of large chunks of code, so that they would be cleaner and more organized for the future. Working at a company where this has had to happen repeatedly, I can tell you it is *well* worth it, but you have to have the programming cajones to push through and actually finish. You can’t ‘halfway’ fix things, that seriously just leaves them more broken than before.

On a side note, I think the ‘magic numbers’ floating around might be due to the fact that javac optimizes out final constants and just writes their value all over the place. It definitely does constant folding and dead code elimination, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it did that as well.

By: Slizyboy Wed, 23 Nov 2011 20:34:58 +0000 The JVM is *not* a ‘super slow virtual machine’ – do you remember how bad it was not 4 years ago? It’s gotten significantly better since then. It is, however, still a crazy memory hog. Minecraft itself seems to request a lot more ram to be ‘reserved’ for the JVM and then promptly seems to not use nearly as much, which confuses me to no end.

The problem with *Java* is that you can get away with writing *terrible* code, and code that might be good but performs *terribly*, and still get by. Other languages that don’t hold your hand as much get two advantages over Java: a) better compilers to machine code (the JVM does JIT, and does it well, but it’s not the same), and b) because you’re forced to think about more ‘machine specific’ things, like memory in the C/C++, you sorta think about performance more overall anyway. It is, for lack of a better way of saying it, harder to write poorly performant code in C/C++ that also does the job you want it to do.

Frankly, I’m amazed at how performant minecraft is overall, given that it’s written in Java and how horrendous the code looks (I’ve taken a look at it a couple of times, I shudder just remembering it).

By: Aion Wed, 23 Nov 2011 05:42:08 +0000 Alblaka would you consider using your (Biofuel) or BC’s (Refined Fuel) for a Industrialcraft specific Vehicles?

Like Robots, Laser cannons, and other over the top devices is nice and dandy but i feel like allot of mods are avoiding Cars/Tanks/Planes/Motorized Boats, which would be awesome and I can think of an awesome way to make a car from using elements of each part of technic pack.

Biofuel or Liquid Fuel as a Combustable Agent
IC2 Generator to move the car or (Engine)
Container in rear for storage/.

By: aib Tue, 22 Nov 2011 23:48:32 +0000 I’ve looked through the MC code a bit and have a few points to make:

The code quality sadly reflects MC’s humble beginnings. Notch is an excellent game designer, IMO, but if MC’s code quality reflects his top coding skills, he’s not such a good coder. Note how reluctant I was to make the second point; various factors impose lots of limits on a coder, and dare I say, every coder I know writes code that is below their standards.

I agree with you on that MC’s code is a mess. This may be a decompiler artifact, but I see a lot of magic numbers flying around. Many aspects of the game are hard-coded, and I see a tendency for favoring quick fixes that save the day rather than deep changes that save more time in the long run. For example, the lighting code has leaf- and stairs-specific portions, and the rendering code makes exceptions for grassy dirt.

I’ll explain the problem briefly for non-programmers. Imaging you have lighting working for fully transparent or fully opaque blocks, which is all you have. Now imagine you want to add leaves, which are semi-transparent. You have two options: either add exceptional cases to the code to handle the “transparent, but not fully” case for leaves, or implement a whole subsystem to support semi-transparency. The latter is harder and more time-consuming to design and to code because it is more general. However, it saves time in the long run if you are going to add other semi-transparent blocks. With the former solution, you’d have to add more exceptions every time you wanted a new semi-transparent block. You’d also have lighting code that mentions grass, and soon a tangled mess of interlocking systems.

Minecraft has opted for the former, quicker solution and now we have lighting bugs with the stairs. Should they keep on doing this, soon the development speed will grind to a standstill, and they’ll be introducing more bugs with every code change. I don’t even think any kind of helpful modding API is possible with the code as it currently is. It needs major refactoring.

I’d like to think they’ll hire a new team to write the whole code from scratch while the current one keeps experimenting with new features, but I’m too experienced to be an optimist.

Another option is spending more time than needed on bugfixes and slowly refactoring the messy code into maintainable modules and subsystems as they go. If anyone is following the recent changes in code, I’d like to know if they’ve already started doing this.
