Comments on: The Future of IndustrialCraft, theme-wise The official blog of Alblaka Mon, 27 Oct 2014 22:26:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fear! Wed, 15 Aug 2012 18:51:15 +0000 Fusion reactors, definitely. Something generating a lot of power (requiring multiple HV-transformers) to make it more powerful then nuclear reactors (6000 – 10,000 EU / t, nuclear reactor’s max. is ~6400 EU/t). Probably using a machine to convert water cells into deuterium and then a fusion reactor using a ton of energy to start (100,000 EU or something). A bit like this add-on: .

CPU’s would be great, something like RedPower Computers only easier to use (to use examples, the realism of RedPower combined with the ease of ComputerCraft).

By: Xavi96 Wed, 07 Dec 2011 03:30:31 +0000 al, can you please add all of what you said… you built this mod out of your own ideas and everyone likes it, why not adding more of your own ideas?
love this mod
thanks =D

By: Eculc Fri, 02 Dec 2011 20:48:17 +0000 you had me at “orbital cannon” =P

By: mithos Fri, 02 Dec 2011 11:20:04 +0000 A little late, but I’ll add my comment anyway.

I love IC because it actually adds much to the game with the machines and energy.
To me, it’s nearly complete for the existing tiers, but I found two ways to make it better:

The first one is to add more advanced stuff, like tiers 3 and 4, that would require specific stuff produced by machines of lower tiers.
As a followup, you could think of an other dimension to create, like space or something like this, to add even more things to do, but that is up to you.

The second one is something that would start a flamewar…
I mean, wouldn’t it be great if IC, buildcraft and RedPower were compatible?
I know they can work together because I use all of them, but you still need other mods to convert energy for example.
Also, RedPower uses something that, in my opinion, IC could benefit greatly, namely the covers system.
As stated in the dev blog, it would be possible to code blocks to use it by using the core mod, so you could hide away all the cables without having walls/wires/walls.

I know it’s only wishfull thinking, but your three mods really integrates well with each other, and it’s a waste that some of the best ideas out there can’t be shared.

Anyway, for the weapons part, I’m not really interested in this unless it can become some kind of automated defenses for EACH tiers (starting with real canons in low tech, and moving on to automatic aiming systems later on for example).

But whatever you do, just remember to keep IC being a technological mod, and everyone will be pleased, because that is what drew us to use and love it.

By: Cadde Thu, 01 Dec 2011 13:52:16 +0000 The problem with BOD (Better Ore Dist) is that uranium ores spawn in super large quantities no matter how you set it up in the configs… Unless there’s a new release of BOD that fixes that.

Either way, i have resurrected my old project OreVeins but I’m not going to release it until i feel i have hit the right balance (which means a lot of play testing is being done)

By: Neceros Tue, 29 Nov 2011 10:04:43 +0000 I really, really like the high tech stuff, too. I would love you if you redesigned things to be slightly more minecraftian (More obvious tiers), but I love that we can go high in technology.

Keep adding more layers. People will use it if they like it.

By: wolfnacht44 Tue, 29 Nov 2011 02:26:16 +0000 Hmm Didn’t realize there was a Gunpowder plant… however I only knew the more elemental/chemical side… I won’t go into details but yeah… I considered poking you about making a seperate jar, but that may complicate installation for some of our less competent( i think thats the right word im lookin for) users…
and I do like to idea of an agriculture set up..
I’m Really looking forward to the next release I kept a backup of my MC just for this lol

By: Nix Mon, 28 Nov 2011 21:29:33 +0000 A cool mod call Better Ore Distribution removes normal generation and adds ore “mines”, larges 2-4 chunk areas with a high concentration of their specific ore. It could be very cool paired with these weapons. The ore is spread out enough to facilitate taking more than one trip, and you would need to find and control these mines to get resources for large industrialization. A small amount of normal ore spawns, but not much.

By: Cadde Mon, 28 Nov 2011 17:56:56 +0000 Well, kinda late to the party i think but…

To me, IC (and that goes for MC in general) is all about mining, processing, refining and doing that all over again building ever more complex factories etc etc. With a sprinkle of building the actual structures for said factories.

And i mostly do this in SSP on hard difficulty to give me something to do besides breaking stone blocks to find some ore. Additionally i have restarted work on my old OreVeins mod to make resources spawn in long veins rather than everywhere in tiny pockets. I would do it in SMP if i had more friends who first and foremost played MC and secondly had the same interests (building factories etc) as me. Which i don’t…

So what am i looking forwards to in IC2? Well…

* More ores / differing qualities of ores to give me more stuff to process.
* More processing steps. (Macerate ore blocks to get 1/2 cobble and 1 – 4 dust heaps that you need to melt down in a furnace and pour into a mold to create different shapes of metal for different applications)
* More end game items (Nuclear reactors are all well and good but like you said, weapons are cool too and maybe tunnel boring machines, Quarries etc… Yes, i know BC does this already but i like your way of doing things)
* Different kinds of power sources. Steam, petrolium, mechanical, electric etc etc.
* In general more industry related stuff like transporting stuff between machines. (Once again, BC does this but i like your implementations more)
* Oh and i would love to see some chemistry implemented. Like the full process to make nitroglycerin (to make TNT) including gathering the base elements needed from your mines and all that.
* And finally, some logic (get rid of redstone and instead use your electric energy) to control machines with.

And everything should have some practical application. So say we go from fighting with sticks and clubs to swords and axes to guns and bombs… Let’s make it so you have recipes for said weapons and you have to use machines to produce the parts of said weapons through the use of a template recipe.
So i want to make a sword, i get some iron ore, crush it in a macerator, melt the ore heaps into a liquid, pour the hot liquid into a mold (a block) with a template for a blade and also pour some molten iron into another mold for the handle. To make the sword complete you then take the handle and blade to a crafting table and combine the two to make the sword.
Follow the same process for an M16 but of course require more parts and more elaborate steps. As well as a cartridge making machine and pouring led into a mold to make the bullets. Combine coal dust and sulfur to get the black powder and to finalize the whole process you assemble each round in a crafting table. (Which too could be automated, once again BC does this but… Yeah, love your stuff!)

End game? Machine guns? Tanks? Jets? Nuclear war?

So this all works great in SMP on PvP servers, what about those who don’t do PvP or play SSP? (This could also be cool for PvP servers btw)
Introduce bandits! Bandits will gradually evolve (from sticks, clubs and stones to sending artillery shells and bomb planes on your precious factories)
The way they work is:

The more value your structures hold… The more difficult the bandits will become!
If your operation consists of a stone furnace where you burn pigs to make food then your enemy will use sticks and stones to attack you.
Or if your operation consists of a few nuclear reactors, a bunch of weapons factories and so on then they too will bring guns and tesla coils to your base to kill you off.
In short then, bandits will be in a never ending arms race with you until both of you finish eachother off with a nuclear holocaust!

If you manage to keep the bandits at bay by eliminating the source of their power, that is a bandits nest that spawns somewhere close to your base of operations then it won’t come to total nuclear annihilation though.
Killing the bandits nest means it will have to respawn somwhere else (with some time between spawns, maybe 20 minutes or so?) and restart the arms race process.
What i mean is a freshly spawn bandits nest will not bring nukes to your home right away, it will slowly upgrade itself to match your power levels.

Eh, so i could go on… Needless to say, i just want MORE! MOOOORE!
And that is sort of what i would have done if i had your experience in modding.
Though i would probably instead opt to create a new game alltogether in C++… Which i would love to see you do as well!

By: Alblaka Sun, 27 Nov 2011 00:29:10 +0000 Unless a chicken gets too close, turns mutated and eats the cooling elements of your reactor for dessert > Meltdown.
