Comments on: Requiring your honest oppinion The official blog of Alblaka Mon, 27 Oct 2014 22:26:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alblaka Fri, 19 Oct 2012 10:11:08 +0000 That’s an interesting concept. Still requires us to predict the time necessary to finish something, though ^^’

By: ChuckG Thu, 18 Oct 2012 17:20:23 +0000 Alblaka, here at my company we’ve done away with ETA and gone with FDR (‘Focus Days Remaining’). This solution came out from a similar problem to the ones someone like you, who’s having to juggle a lot of life-goals and wear a lot of hats, can experience over the life of a project.

We used to have many situations where an engineer would state a 40 day ETA that, 10 work days later, the engineer reports as still being a 35 day ETA. This made Marketing – our unsatisfiable customer base – angry and confused. He then has to explain how a day went to this sustaining project, a day got spent working Quality through a problem, and so on.

Switching to FDR was largely a matter of perception – at base they mean the same thing. But they are perceived differently (at least here) – if the ETA count didn’t go down everyone’s presumption on Engineering was sandbagging or laziness; if FDR stays the same they want to know what other department’s been using up all of our working hours. It shifts the focus from Engineering to the _real_ time-sinks we’re dumping hours into.

In any case, I love the mod, I want to see it grow and expand further; I hope this helps in some small way!

By: wicshade Tue, 09 Oct 2012 18:15:24 +0000 I did try the agriculture stuff but it takes so much time to get anywhere with. This is fine except for when we start a new map every 2 weeks, because of certain people getting butt-hurt and nuking the server.

I have enjoyed this mod and i think that you have delivered this mod to the community in a manner that was very professional for a player-made-mod. I think what I am trying to say is that I am going to put IC2 on the shelf for awhile until it has been long enough for it to feel like a brand new game.

By: Aquilamo Tue, 09 Oct 2012 14:41:15 +0000 I don’t really think there’s a communication issue, since Albaka is reading and answering some comments.

Besides, IC was probably something made for fun in the first place, and some users may have forgotten that you shouldn’t really about something you don’t pay for.

If IC2 is good enough, then you should make something better, not ask others to make it for you…

By: Alblaka Tue, 09 Oct 2012 10:49:39 +0000 “IC2 was once my favorite mod, but to me it feels like it is stagnet in its development. This is mainly becuase i never got into the brewing or the industrial agriculture side.”

Uhm, of course, if we add new stuff and you don’t use the new stuff, there is not much new to discover in IC².

By: bbqroast Tue, 09 Oct 2012 07:25:31 +0000 Also, by the way. Any good thing that might be added if this mod was open source is far more likely to be suggested on the forums. Despite this, I have seen no good ideas on the forum that have not been accepted. Buildcraft is open source, yet I still find it has far to many bugs for my liking. The forums are practically dead and it seems to teeter forever on the edge of the abyss.

Also, I have a feeling Kane has no idea about the complexities of making something open source.

By: bbqroast Tue, 09 Oct 2012 07:22:27 +0000 My only ask is thaat if you make IC2 open source. Do it on your own whim. Not because a rather rude, and in my opinion bullying message from a server admin who seems discontent with far to much (I still remember when he went to visit a new town on his server. In fairness it was more aesthetically pleasing than anything he builds but he said “Why did I allow this!?! I must have been drunk.”)

By: wicshade Tue, 09 Oct 2012 02:51:26 +0000 Me and my friends have just recently restarted our private server, and IC2 was not one of the mods that we included. We loaded it with only Infinicraft and redpower 2. We have previously played with just IC2, redpower 2, and equivalent exchange 2 (it was the only decent magic mod to have for an smp server). The reason we decided not to have IC2 is because we felt that some of the things were just to OP, and that many of the IC2’s best features were either bugy for MP or took away from the survival feel of the game.

IC2 was once my favorite mod, but to me it feels like it is stagnet in its development. This is mainly becuase i never got into the brewing or the industrial agriculture side. However I can’t say i am dissapointed with IC2, but i did have very high expectations for its growth. I don’t think that this is due to a failure on the development team, this is just the nature of minecraft (IF U HAVE NOT BEEN DISSAPOINTED WITH SOMETHING IN MINECRAFT THEN U HAVE NOT BEEN PLAYING IT LONG ENOUGH).

I don’t know if i will play IC2 in much in the future, or minecraft for that matter. The only thing that keeps me coming back to this game is the new content that the modding community brings us. For me personaly the only was i will play this mod in the future is if it has some cool novel things. The only mod that I know of with cool new things is thaumcraft 3.

Thank your for making IC2, I hope to see lots of cool new things in this mod, but i kinda feel burned out on it.

By: LordFokas Sun, 07 Oct 2012 13:57:56 +0000 Well, they’re a handful of people because the project is still young and small… In your case, it would still prevent the calm and patient ones to turn to the raging / hating / impatient side.
Like what just happened to Kane.

I run a forum with about 15k members, most of them we don’t really know, and we have some game servers, (Like metin2 servers and browser games), and we handle them much better when they’re informed.

What I’m saying is, I know what it is to be a developer and have a lot of people expecting updates from you, and I know what it is to manage a big community. I also love your mod. I’m just trying to help 🙂

By: Alblaka Sun, 07 Oct 2012 13:18:09 +0000 The line is “as long as you don’t flame someone … I can promise not to ban anyone”.
Someone read it like you did and forgot the former part… R.I.B. 😛
