1.106 is finished.
RichardG fixed the links.
Enjoy Minecraft 1.3.2 with IC!
Redownload the new version if you encounter issues with sidedInventorys (pipes/tupes putting stuff into wrong inventory slots).
BTW, I relized that my ‘leaked’ blueprints lack the new recipes for the reactor itself. Quoting from the upcoming new Reactor Guide:
First of all, you will need to craft a Nuclear Reactor itself. Of course you can’t just summon a complex Reactor out of some iron and other stuff! That would be unrealistic. Instead, you first need to craft Nuclear Chambers. These chambers are, duh, CHAMBERS. Accordingly, you merely need a Machine Block and a half’o’stack of Copper. How to craft 33 elements together? Well, use your head, it’s all about compressing numbers into quality.
(Be advised, I do not take any responsibility to injuries taken due attempts to compress Coppy by hammering it with your head.)
After you successfully crafted three, not two, not four, but three, to be spelled, 3, which is the number following after the 2 and going before 4, chambers, you can now easyly create a Nuclear Reactor, by combining the side-wards aligned Chambers with a Generator below and an advanced Circuit above.
You say that’s much easier then before? Well, I say HAYO.