Things you do and things you don’t

Everyone who is/was upset about the banlist, thank the morons from and/or the other group who agreed on attempting (failed, obviously) to spam this blog with hate comments (love the automatic spam-filter… merely a few comments slipped past :D).

After a neat, but reasoned discussion, and some PM-exchange with some of the “banned” guys, i was actually going to implement the banlist as an OPTIONAL and TOGGLEABLE server-sided feature. Being blank on IC²’s original release and solely being filled with confirmed griefers and cheaters, providing an option for server owners to “ban pesky elements before they even enter the servers”.

However, the one thing i can’t stand is people throwing random offenses at me and attempting to FORCE me to do something. As a result i’m currently reconsidering how to implement the banlist.
I wouldn’t exactly consider myself an arrogant asshole, but if you guys seriously want to stamp me as one, this is what you get ^^


I would, btw, love to do a pubic poll in this regard, but the outcome would be faked by a horde of haters consistently spamming negative votes by creating new accounts (if it’s a vote in the forum) either way. Thus i will probably just discuss this topic with the IC² team.

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49 Responses to Things you do and things you don’t

  1. John Ryan says:

    I have no idea whats going on… i read the blog every chance i get, i am trying to get together a public industrial craft server so always staying on top of the GREAT DRAGON LORDS news… in a none gay way… i love you man, you make minecraft worth playing… i look forward to your updates more then mojong. Anyway, so i am confused i remember way back when you talked about banning people and already having a list, but not sure how is involved or about the banning system and how it relates… if it is none of my business understood, but it is in the open news feed so just dont understand the whole story… As a side note if i planned on setting up a public Industrial craft server F2P do you have any plans for a place for us server admins to talk on the forums… and maybe a place to talk about our servers, that are not approved by you… off topic to the question but dont really no where to ask it and its on my mind… Bless you sir.

    • Alblaka says:

      I’ll bug Feanturi to rename the “Approced Server” section… doesn’t seem to have a real purpose, lets redo it into a general “servers” section.

      I intended to implement it some time ago already, but never actually find the time to do so (rather, always had something more important to do first) ^^

      • John ryan says:

        Have to I am happy dragon lord is catching on..

      • John ryan says:

        I have my public server up it’s gult’s gorge anyway to make it an official server or get it listed on the wiki? I love SMP industrial craft operated a server since Ic went SMP and a Vanilla long before that… I think we have a good crew of people and would love to be bigger. Thanks,

        John Ryan

  2. John Osborne says:

    I think you’ve received so much response because you’ve really stumbled onto something. I think it is an absolutely brilliant idea, one worthy of the great dragon lord. I think it may be the only way to curb the buttheads on the forums — if they fear a ban, maybe finally they will read and be respectful. If not, banned. Please implement it.

  3. harry says:

    heyy, i would like to say great gob, i have been playing mc since before chickens were added and playing industial craft since v2 i have a underwater forcefield base and its all thanks to you, may i ask when ic2 is reliesed even though you have probably been asked alot?

    • Alblaka says:

      Let’s say, in about 4 weeks there’s a course i will have to participate in, running along all 5 work days, from morning to evening, over two weeks.
      I strongly hope to finish IC² by then ^^

  4. Pokenar says:

    I remember people ALWAYS saying “just add the spammers and haters to a black list” and i always giggled because i never thought it was possible, but you actually found a way? that is awesome!

    • Alblaka says:

      Basic rule of programming: Everything is possible, someone just needs to bother implementing it.

      • lmao says:

        Yeah, your right. Just remember that works both ways. You want an arms race, you’ll get one. And you’ll lose money and followers in the process. Im going to bleed you dry.

        • Alblaka says:

          You probably didn’t notice it yet, but: I’m not doing this for money, but for the appreciation of fans, for the sake of advancing my ability in programming and to later on watch YouTube videos of ridicolously awesome IC constructs. As well, if i really “loose followers” because of banning griefers and morons, these “lost followers” will probably people i never wanted to follow me, either way ^^
          @Bleed dry: How exactly? Going to connect to a server, stealing a diamond sword and punching me? Gl, will exspect you with NanoSuit and NanoSaber 😛
          Or wait, if you REALLY want to fight a war, go up ahead, gather all the whiners and haters and create a BETTER mod then IC 😀
          Though i doubt anything on the line of industrialization, SciFi and Automatisation will EVER defeat IC/BC for quite some time.

          (Note: This does not mean i’m fusing with BC or anything, but i’m fully aware BC is a perfectly fitting complement mod for IC. Or vice versa, depends.)

  5. Major Cooke says:

    I personally feel that making it optional is a way to go. Right now, it would almost seem as if you’re giving in to the haters because they WANT to be banned. They’re doing it indeed to try and prove you’re a complete jerk and that you rule with an iron fist, all dictator-wise.

    I would go the original route of making it optional.

    Now… Personally, I never… ever… play on multiplayer, it’s far more fun to play IC in single player. So regardless of what the ban list takes direction-wise, it doesn’t bother me at all. Just thought I’d express my opinions.

    Looking forward to IC-Squared!

  6. Draconian says:

    hah, either way when IC2 comes out i’m enabling the banlist.
    They’ll get whats coming to them.

  7. Nerox says:

    If those kids are still unpolite to you even after warning them several times… their bad. You should defiently implent that ban list, lol.

  8. Techmago says:

    Thats the price for becoming famous.
    And i am sorry, but i cant get used to this “GREAT DRAGON LORDS” thingy 😛
    When you got people that start considering you something god-like, there will be people that just wake up in the morning hating you. Its a fact of life.

  9. Brethern says:

    Personally I find it hilarious that this information is over a month old yet the drama started less than a week ago. I guess that shows the only buttons a typical MCF user clicks are download and reply.

    • Pokenar says:

      yeah, i saw people in the comments wondering about this and i had the most confused look (started considering IC a few days ago, but i actually bothered to read MOST of the posts here)

  10. Maeyanie says:

    Personally I agree, it does seem like a good idea. There’s a lot of people who deserve it, and sending hate mail is really not the best way to disprove the matter.

    All I ask is, be careful not to get too liberal with the ban stick. It’s easy to do… power corrupts and all that.

    • Alblaka says:

      Now, i hope i’m not as easy to corrupt as all the pro/antagonist of classic storys XD
      As well, depending on how the intern discussion runs, eventually the banlist will solely include griefers/cheaters, but not people doing something outside of the actual gameplay.

  11. Nomnomvore says:

    Have to say I’m looking forward to IC2 🙂 I’m sure it will be far more smooth then the first IC. I’m a bit curious about the ban list, is it Just for servers? Or will people on it not be able to use the mod in SP either?

    • Alblaka says:

      It will most likely only be done Server-side, it wouldn’t be hard to evade the ban in SSP either way.

      • Nomnomvore says:

        Ok thanks for the reply, oh yah any servers you suggest that are IC besides IR? Dont have money for a p2p server, but been looking for a decent server to play on, SP gets kinda lonely after a while *Insert forever alone face here*

  12. Alzurana says:

    You should indeed implement the ban list as forced feature.
    If people can’t keep their mouths shut they have to live with the consequences.
    The fact that they hate the banlist shows that they actually like what you’re doing. The hate is just fake and internet drama as you can find it everywhere on the net. It’s annoying and such a banlist is a small step against it.
    I for myself know how it’s like as to be a programmer. People hate your for bugs. They hate you for your basic game ideas. they hate “not existing features”.They hate that you’re taking a week off. They hate, that they couldn’t think of such a great idea before you.
    Nevertheless they still play your game/mod, being in a total disharmony with their hating personality.
    This is madness…
    madness? THIS IS…. nevermind 🙂

  13. pi4t says:

    AARGH!!! I typed this all up, clicked post comment, and it wiped it all because I hadn’t included an email address.

    In summary, I asked you if you remembered me from a few updates ago, where I was asking for the ability to macerate charcoal into coal dust. We finally agreed (I thought) that either you’d macerate charcoal into charcoal dust, 8 of which could be crafted into 1 coal dust, or it would just have a random chance of making charcoal dust (like the recycler making scrap). However, you never implemented this, and I was wondering if it would make an appearance in IC2, or if you decided not to for some reason, or even just forgot?

    The post also commented on the fact that making a diamond pick in IC is essentially pointless, as you only need a few pieces of iron and redstone, and a few cables, to make a diamond drill, which is faster, works on dirt substances, and lasts forever! I wondered if you would make it need obsidian, or more diamonds. That way the diamond drill would be a cheap alternative, diamonds wise, and could also be used to get obsidian for industrial diamonds for the drill. So what do you think?



    • Alblaka says:

      Hmm, i remember the discussion, but afaik i dropped the idea because i wanted to stick to the current idea of keeping coal dust unique.

      Minging Drill is the Industrial Miners DiamondPick replacement… takes loads of energy though (Diamond drill will consume even more energy then normal drill, trading speed vs higher energy consume (and thus less storage)). It’s fine like that, imho ^^

  14. CVL says:

    I am neutral in the whole pro/anti mod-banning and I judge on case by case.

    I have an idea on how you can implement your ban-list without ‘going too far’ (subjective statement). You simply do not allow those people in the ban list to use items in your mods in SMP. How permanent the banning will be up to you, and/or the server owners.

    -that is my 2 cent in case you will go for mod-ban.

    • Alblaka says:

      That’s exactly what i didn’t intend to do. It would require large-scale file modification on all IC stuff to do something like this.
      The banlist idea solely popped up because it’s something barely taking any effor to code & update ^^

  15. Webmilio says:

    O my god I would LOVE if the mod could be released before the beginning of school. By the way i didn’t get your explanation on the release date.

    • Alblaka says:

      I’ve stated i will be extremely busy starting in about 3 weeks. If i didn’t manage to finish IC² by then, it will be a long time (2 weeks more, lol) until release.
      Thus i will aim for finishing the first public release before that date.

      It will probably have slightly less content then IC1 v8.55, though.
      F.e. there’s currently a row of bugs within MCForge, preventing me from implementing the Nanosuit.

      • Webmilio says:

        But ! I think it is worth like, reporting the release date AND using MCForge, as IC1 takes a LOT of sprite index. And if you need a bug tester, you can ask me.

        • Alblaka says:

          That’s the best part about IC².
          We can use unlimited sprites on organized sprite sheets AND even managed to code 16 Blocks into a single ID (though this is only applyable within a few limits… but, f.e., all machines are one block, all generators are, all EU-Storage/Transformer blocks (MFE, MFSU, HV, BatBox) are and all different cables are, as well).

          In total, this means i will be able to add about 2400 blocks and 31000 items at max ^^

  16. Holyass says:

    You know what, I hate you for not making the game soo unfun. *hint hint*

    But anyways, Keep up the good work and may you become a mini-god, (notch = god of minecraft.)

    For you players that cant take a joke, I was saying “I like you for making the game soo fun”

    I say old chap that is a jolly good cup of tea!

  17. Takeguru says:

    Now, this banlist, is it going to be updated each release with more names added? Gotta agree with it being optional, then.

  18. wtf says:

    So much for that optional banlist. Why not just delete the banned persons entire Minecraft directory. That seems like the REVENGE your’e after.

    • Alblaka says:

      Nah, this could get my butt banned on MCF, as something deleting your files is considered malware ^^’
      Ntm it would be a pain to code… If it’s even possible, Java is generally said to have access trouble with the system

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