Just to mention it…

I’ve left the MC-Forum moderating team and are no longer Sectional Mod(de)rator of the Modding section.

Some people validly pointed me at errors i’ve done (though it were mainly formal errors in using the moderation panel with correct logs and stuff) and i don’t think i should be doing that job anymore.

As a funny side effect, this just dropped one of the most time-consuming activities i’m following currently, next to coding and watching FMA. Means, i’ve 50% more time for either now, technically.


Let’s see how this works out XD

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23 Responses to Just to mention it…

  1. NeonJ says:

    Does this mean approximately a 125% speed increase in IC2 development? 😀

    The other 25% goes to FMA. Whatever that is. I don’t really care.

    • Andrei says:

      I guess FMA is Full Metal Alchemist

    • Alblaka says:

      Uhm… i don’t exactly know where you get those numbers from…

      Previously we had 33% spread across 3 activites… if i now scrap one, i gain 17% to spend on each.
      Resulting in 50% for 2 activities (triviall).

      From 33 to 50 is a 50% increase. :O

      • MrHohenheim says:

        FMA! the best anime 🙂

        we waiting the IC2 best mod for me and my friends love too

  2. Kirin says:

    FMA has with both seasons ’bout 120 hours so there will be a huge improvement in your time when you’ve done that too! =0

    But I’m lookin’ forward to IC2 very much 🙂
    Since you said you should have – technically – more time, can we hope about IC2 released in one week? :3

  3. John ryan says:

    Ha I know what having more time means to me… That is why I will be patient I find more time and I usually wind up just taking more time… So is life

  4. rockon says:

    FMA the original series or FMA brotherhood.
    I loved both but brotherhood was my favorate. So good.

    • Alblaka says:

      Ah, that’s what FMA: BROTHERHOOD stands for… was dunno’ing about the subtitle.

      I’m on FMA brother hood episode ~30 now. IS FMA some sort of a prequel you should have watched?

      • Jotac0 says:

        The FMA brother hood is the remake of the original FMA.
        So you can watch the brother hood with out the other. Have fun 😛
        “like my father always told me, if you can’t find a door, make your own”

      • Nomnomvore says:

        FMA:Brotherhood is a remake following the manga much more closely, the first one went off on its own, and in mho Brotherhood is waaaay better =D

  5. The_Scary_One says:

    Haven’t seen Brotherhood, but a friend of mine told me that it is A LOT more accurate to the original manga where as FMA (the one I’ve been seeing) is a complete diffrent story compared to the manga xD

    Maybe i should use less time on MC/IC and more time watching FMA?

    • Alblaka says:

      Don’t dare!
      though, as long as IC² is not done..

      But don’T dare to watch anime’s once IC² is released XD

      • The_Scary_One says:

        I am afraid i am going to have tons of reexams this winter due to your mod xD

        *going back to pyramid project*

  6. Ian Maayrkas says:

    Ok, so you’re one of the best modder ever and you watch FMA… I think I love you.

    • Union says:

      Take a number, lol…

      no homo

      • John ryan says:

        He is a beautiful man… No homo.

        • Alblaka says:

          I hate people saying “No homo”. It indicates you’re afraid of somebody possibly missinterpreting your words, showing of a strong homophobia.
          I know quite a few people being homosexual, it’s not a big deal.

          Unless they try to mount you, that is XD

  7. harry says:

    awsomeness, i hope you dont mind giving up the thing you enjoy, and do you think it will be out by the 10th of september

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