IC2 Teaser Video

IC² Closed Beta Teaser

Sorry guys, i’m not THAT proficiscent with using blogs and stuff. And the casual YT embedment doesn’t work properly either, you will have to click that link by yourself XD

Either way, here we go.
Killerbeez pushes himself, working day and night (actually only night, he was extremely busy all-day)  and just, after a through-worked night, send me the link to his IC² Teaser video ^^

Check it out, enjoy the new features, spam him with comments, like&fav him, whatever. ^^

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98 Responses to IC2 Teaser Video

  1. MadDogTen says:

    Very Cool Video! I LOVE it, can’t wait for the mod to come out! Thanks for it. 🙂

    Keep up the good work and keep the video’s coming! 😀

  2. Shade says:

    Okay I shouldn’t have watched that, now I can’t wait. Lol Can’t wait to blow a giant hole in my house testing configurations of the new reactor. Good job, take your time and get it done, but hurry up. 😛

  3. Xaiier says:

    :O omg kewl want nao!!!

    One thing though, the spread shot on the mining laser looks cool, but it…sucks honestly. Cant really do anything useful with it, especially with the huge power requirement. Maybe tighten the spread a bit? (Or make it able to shotgun blast enemies super close for a 1 hit KO?)

    • Alblaka says:

      Now, it’s meant to blast a cave into a wall… Beez used it in 3-4 blocks distance to the actual wall.. if you step next to it and pull the trigger, you got a real hole 😀

    • Emeralis00 says:

      You can always use it in a PvP server. Dem walls are going down!

  4. Shade says:

    Okay I thought of a question. With the current release of IC I have 6 reactors in my basement, each reactor is connected to a Buildcraft pipe that feeds them fuel from a chest. From the look of it from the teaser they will have open spaces around the components. If true the fuel will just be placed in a open slot and not in thr middle of the cooling components. Is this correct or did I miss something?

    I also agree about the mining lasers spread, it does to little for such a cost.

    • Alblaka says:

      No, everything must be placed inside the reactor, which can only be accessed by rightclicking.
      HOWEVER, a single fuel rod lasts 100.000 ticks, ~4.1 minecraft days. No need to build a pipesystem around to shuffle fuel in.

  5. Nerox says:

    You sir are awesome. It looks fantastic! (for Part 1, haha <:)

    Anyway, uhm, I've got one question about the reactor.
    Do you actually have to make cooling cells around an uran cell or does the amount only matter? Cause, you know, with those + builds (" X ", "XYX", " X ", you kno what i mean) It'd waste alot of free spots of the reacor (The corners, as example).

    • Alblaka says:

      There are currently 8 different Reactor components, not only the Uranium & Coolant Cells . Beez barely showed up the most simple, safe and extremely ineffective setup.
      I will write a full article about reactor mechanics before/on release, don’t worry.

  6. Alex Humva says:

    Dude, this is looking awesome. The reactor’s alone are going make this pretty epic.

    Here’s hoping Optifine makes a patch to work with Minecraft Forge, otherwise I’m not going be able to play this or Buildcraft. 😐

  7. Sabre says:

    Great Video Cant wait for IC2
    I got an idea for the Dynamite Controller sound
    When fpsrussia uses his phone to trigger the explosive in the rc/xd in real life video.

  8. Sabre says:

    I also Got a question, will optimine be incompatible with jetpacks?

  9. DarkMagix says:

    This might not be the ‘best’ place to ask this, but will Industrial Craft 2 be allowed to be streamed on youtube? Just wondering in case I feel like doing a lets play of it sometime in the future.

  10. Viktor Berg says:

    I’m wondering a few things about the new reactors.

    In the teaser, out of the 4 coolant cells placed around the fuel rod, only 3 began “decaying”, while the 4th remained pristine. Would this mean that every rod requires only 3 coolant cells? How soon will the reactor blow up if there is an insufficient amount of coolant (not completely absent, like in the teaser, but 1-2 short per rod)? Will the coolant cells that are not adjacent to the rods do anything, or is it just wasted space? How will the Integrated Heat Dispensers affect the reactor, fewer cooling cells per fuel rod required?

    A whole slew of questions, I know, but I am most interested about nuclear reactors in IC.

    • Alblaka says:

      It was related to beez placing the cell first and then the coolant.. in the first few ticks (reactors only tick once per secon) the whole heat got applied to ther first 3 cells, thus the damage.
      When he put in the 4th one, the whole system went +-0. If i had taken out the uranium for a few sec, the damage (heat) would have disappeared and replacing the cell wouldn’t have made it reappear.

      • Ranakastrasz says:

        This sounds like The fuel rods release heat at a rate, split to each nearby cooling cell equally. Each output 4 cooling cells worth of heat. If there are n0 cooling cells adjacent to a fuel cell, the reactor starts heating up then explodes. No random factors at all.

        Is this correct, or even close?

        • Alblaka says:

          Close, yes. But there’s slightly… actually, MUCH more behind it ^^

          True, there’s nearly no randomness involved ^^

          • Shiding says:

            what are you going to use to make cooling cells?
            and uranium fuel cells? like a tin can with uranium :3

          • Ranakastrasz says:

            I know there is more behind it. I was just extrapolating from what I saw in the video. I made a guess. If I had real access to the mod, I would likely be able to experiment and tell you significantly more about how I think it works.

            And I love the no randomness part.

  11. Webmilio says:

    My usual question : Will it be released soon ?!
    Except that… … … … ITS EPIC !

  12. kkabcd says:

    we require more Industrial craft 2

    modded sentence from starcraft 2

  13. Crazyjobo says:

    Just wondering if the output from the new nuclear reactor would be similar to the old nuclear reactor? To me it always seemed like the 40000 eu you got from one uranium ingot wasnt worth the effort when i could get the same amout of energy from an array of solar panels and save the time i would spend looking for uranium.

    • Shiding says:

      well it is pretty much worth the time, since you get 20 times the power of a solar array day and night, but a nuclear reactor should only be used temporarily. also I am a big fan of solar power, so I only use nuclear power if i don’t have enough solar power yet, and dont forget, 20 eu/frame is alot

  14. Dorrin says:

    Brilliant video. Drooling.

  15. Alblaka says:

    Damn it… The Blog bugged out, i can’t access any of it’s advanced functions anymore o.o
    No new posts, no edits, no approval of pending comments.

    And as Feanturi is the one who set this up, i can’t do much to resolve the error. And he won’t be back for another 2 days.
    Crappy timing.

    • Webmilio says:

      Can you still reply to comments (probably) ?!

      If yes, you should check the one I posted a few comments ago. Its hmmmmmm, instructive, full of happiness and stuff…

      • Nerox says:

        Or you just check other replys from other blog entrys. Al has already stated when it’ll be (hopefully) released.

  16. Alblaka says:

    Release is scheduled for Monday/Tuesday.
    As the blog is currently bugged (apparently a certain unnamed person attempted to fix a different bug and kinda messed something up), the release will only be public’d in the forum.. gl discovering it ^^

    • Nerox says:

      Awesome (:
      Also, uhm, would it take a long time porting it to smp? Can’t wait to try it out in multiplayer.^^

    • Keyalha says:

      Yeah really appreciate it Albaka.
      Which Version of Minecraft Forge is needed to play IC² if i might ask ?

    • The_Scary_One says:

      So those of us visiting your blog almost daily will have to browse trough (right now) 64 suggestion posts where most already have been suggested multiple times in the past? :'(

  17. kkabcd says:

    In som replys i read that IC2 will be released monday of tuesday is this true?

    • I believe so yes:


      Alblaka says:
      August 28, 2011 at 14:33

      “Release is scheduled for Monday/Tuesday.
      As the blog is currently bugged (apparently a certain unnamed person attempted to fix a different bug and kinda messed something up), the release will only be public’d in the forum.. gl discovering it ^^”

    • chaseface says:

      id say so seeing as the creator of the mod and site said it….

  18. finalsacre says:

    Incredible !
    You’re truly amazing amazing albaka. Thanks a lot for yours great mods .

  19. Marc010 says:

    The new nuclear reactor is so complicatet 🙁
    Can you make a german tutorial … or a video ? 😀
    i think that´s easier to unterstand 🙂

    • kkabcd says:

      Its simple really.
      so first when you get a reactor right you place it anywhere you like then you can open it to see a small grid this grid is where you would place all you cells.
      if the grid is too small then you can expand it with reactor chambers.
      I hope this helped

    • Adien says:

      I would like to direct your attention to this: http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=446

      Al said he would not make a video, due to the length it would be, and some user (Like Cvl, for an example) would most likely be able to help you out in your specific case.

      (Yay! First blog post!)

  20. John ryan says:

    Kotaku said the adventure update will be split into 2 updates 1.8 and 1.9 will this make it harder to code for you or make it more difficult.

    • kkabcd says:

      The creator can wait for both of them to come out then wait for MCP with the latest version the begin coding

  21. Marc010 says:

    IC2 it´s so awesome 😀
    i don´t unterstand how to use the new machines but it MUST be awesome 😀

  22. mercilessj says:

    You never cease to amaze me alblaka!

  23. techmago says:

    What i do with a biofuel cell?

  24. techmago says:

    ohhhh, thx.

    how i charge the eletric jetpack or any cristal?

    i got only batpacks so far.

    And what the energy rule? i just test that there no melt on splits, so it just distant base loss?
    in this case, gold wire will carry energy longer?
    why i got double and 4x insulated cables?

  25. techmago says:

    gAH! don leave the mfe output to 128!!! i just blow up two macerators!!

  26. techmago says:

    k. My only remaining doubt is: what gold cables are for?

  27. techmago says:

    I think i got an bug. I am pretty sure that my solar, when connected to a batbox and a mfe, was doubling it output.

    And i have a machine suggestion. A sawmill. It will give you more planks from wood, like the macerator, but for wood 😛

  28. ray10k says:

    One question about ic2: in vanilla minecraft you can hold shift and click items in, say, a furnace to move them to your inventory and vice versa. The various structures of ic1 however do not allow this (think macerator, compressor). Will ic2 fix this?
    (My apologies, I know this isn’t the best place to ask such things, but I really don’t know a better place right now)

  29. lee2dee2 says:

    A possible bug issue with “rubber tree saplings”. When adding “bonemeal”, they become “standard trees” instead of “rubber trees”. Not sure if this was intended.

  30. Jay2007 says:

    Hey guy,
    ich have a problem i´m not albe to extract Resin from an Rubbertree log.
    I do a rightclick with the treetap at it but nothing happens.
    please help me

    • Hermasetas says:

      It is only the logs with a little orange dot on them that gives resin 🙂
      When you take the resin the dot will disappear but it will reappear some time after 🙂

    • techmago says:

      you have to do it in a orange hole in the tree, not in the log.

      • Selenite says:

        Do you need a treetap to extract resin? Because I’m able to get resin from the orange hole in the rubbertree log just by chopping it.

        • CVL says:

          you can ‘re-get’ it again after the tree got refreshed after a while. But since you chopped the tree down….

          • Ranakastrasz says:

            If you were to use a tree-tap again on an empty hole, it appears to disappear (nice wording there :p) and does not reappear ever. I am unsure if this is a bug, or intended, but I think it is a bug.

          • Alblaka says:

            You think wrong :3

  31. Buggy1997123 says:

    Could you tell us what all the features of the Quantum suit is? So far we have seen quick(read: *ZOOM* creeper: wft was that blur?) running, night vision and superjumping, what else is there? And do abilitys deplete the suit’s energy? And how much if so?

  32. Marc010 says:

    Look at the forum. That are all known bugs

    -will be fixed
    -you can´t change the ouput of a mfsu/batbox/…
    -Biofuel musst be filled in fuel cans
    -wll be fixed

  33. sirbrandino says:

    Look at the forum. At the bottom of the release page is a recipe.txt

  34. CommisarCain says:

    Hey Alblaka did you abandon your blog ? I need some witty industrial craft humor to perk up my day. Update punk.

    • CommisarCain says:

      O buy the way I introduced my brother to minecraft a couple weeks ago then showed him this mod and he almost choked to death on his drink from the awesomeness.

  35. John Ryan says:

    @CommisarCain If you read his post… he can not update until fenturi Fixes an error

  36. Misticblade7 says:

    Thank you for making such a fantastic mod!
    This may very well be the single best mod I’ve ever seen, can’t wait for its release. I hadn’t tried IC1, but from what I’ve seen and heard, IC2 will be one hell of a party! I just hope that the sheer level of awesomeness won’t crash my computer. :/

    I’m not worried about that, though. :p I hope to base many a save around this mod in the future (along with other nice MCForge mods)!

    Also, consider having the reactor explosions cause fire? 😀

  37. Artie says:

    What are your plans on the mass fabricator besides iridium? Personally, I’d enjoy if you could implement recepies for items that are rare/obtainable only through hacking (mob spawners, slimeballs, cocobeans, and such). Also, in the original IC, mass fabricator only requires 200k per piece of matter. Will you keep it that way or will it be raised to 2 million?(Please don’t :P)

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