Some good news

1. Just finished implementing a whole set of sounds into IC², made by our new Sound-Artist Lurch. IC² is from now on audio-awesome, too :3.

2. I’ve figured out the law+legality issue’s for donations and stuff.. unless you guy spam me with multiple hundred bucks per month, there’s no issue.

3. Release of 1.0 is coming close. I would dare to say today/tomorrow, depending on how smooth implementation of the teleporter goes.

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36 Responses to Some good news

  1. Lethos says:

    It’s rocks 🙂

    thx great dragon lord :p

  2. AvalerionDrake says:

    I hope the eletro-furnaces still keep their random-pitched beeps. Having 8 of them playing at the same time was somewhat mesmerizing, and I tried my best to run them all at even intervals so it sounded like a song. XD

    • Omnignorance says:

      I for one hope the high pitched beeps are different, they sound much too similar to a failing hard drive for my tastes. They had me worried for a few minutes until I figured out it was the game.

  3. Darwithe says:

    I was going over the list of my BlockIDs for minecraft and I noticed you using 4 IDs for explosives, Is this because of a limit to subblock IDs like the limit on Block Light Level?

    I’m likewise wondering about some of the other stuff. I know Reinforced Stone has to be separate because of damage resistance, but why does Reinforced Glass and Door have to be separate from Reinforced Stone?
    Why is the Reactor Chamber separate from the other Machines/Generators?
    Why are the Miner Tip and Pipe Separate?
    I’m guessing the Uranium/Copper/Tin Ores have to be separate because of WorldGen issues?

    This isn’t intended to be a complaint just a For My Information, since I’m really curious as to the subblocking limits.(‘thou if you intend to compress further I would prefer it to be sooner than later so it doesn’t break worlds as bad). Great Job on the IC reboot by the way, the whole thing feels much smoother.

    • Alblaka says:

      Admittedly, i went lazy on a few blocks which would have been more complex to compress, usually due to rendering or meta-data-usage issues. I could alter this now, but it would break all 0.9 saves again.

      • Darwithe says:

        Ah, cool, so the only big limits are lighting, dmg resistance and time/effort?

        If it’s going to be done at all it should probably be done now.
        Hmm, also the Reinforced and Explosives stuff shouldn’t break anything significant if given fair warning, and that’s 5 IDs reclaimed right there.

        • Ian Maayrkas says:

          Actually, blast and damage resistance aren’t a problem at all, since Eloraam (RedPower) compressed many blocks of different materials (including glass, obsidian, stone, dirt etc) in one BlockID (in the Wiring package), and each block has the right properties. I don’t know how difficult it was, though.

          • Blox says:

            I think he means blast resistance… Eloraam’s obsidian panels blow up (if I remember correctly)

          • Ian Maayrkas says:

            Yes, sorry, you’re right… but it’s a planned feature and as far I understand there’s already a hook in Forge.

  4. Webmilio says:

    THIS IS MADNESS (or epicness, I should say)

  5. CommisarCain says:

    Awesome 🙂 Cant wait.

  6. techmago says:

    The version 1.0 is going to be SSP only too?

  7. Cenoxium says:

    Quick! Someone go to the Yogscast’s facebook bage and post about industrialcraft! They’re doing mod testing until 1.8 comes out!

    P.S. I don’t have a facebook account, now hurry!

    • Alblaka says:

      Please don’t o.o After BTW got mentioned in Yogscast, it’s thread turned into a spam&troll&n00b-festival.

      • Adien says:


      • Miner7747 says:

        yeah,they had to switch to a whole new forum beacause of that,
        and nowadays,the actual BTW players go there only to download the mod and for enjoyment
        of looking at the spam/noob/troll/ridiculous pro-wolf comments and watching flowerchild piss them off.(i stopped by there a while ago,reading it is pretty funny,i cant beleive there are still trolls
        asking for BTW in the yogbox.

  8. Alex White says:

    Very awesome, I can’t wait to try out the next generation of what (was) my favorite mod.
    I hope the terraformers are still in..
    The teleporters are a low complexity device,
    1. it has to find out when either a player steps on it, or when it receives redstone current.
    2. it has to be programmable in order to set where it comes out.
    3. it has to know when it has received enough power.
    4. it needs to be able to connect to the cable system.
    5. it needs to move entityplayer to the correct location based upon all that.
    either way, good luck, and had I money I would indeed donate.

  9. Blox says:

    Will 1.0 be a beta release, or will it be IC2’s official launch?

    • Alblaka says:

      Latter one. It will consist of all IC1 features+new stuff.
      without SMP.
      And, as i just noticed, without TeslaCoil *headdesk*. Should probably code that one asap, people will complain about the lack of shocked pigs otherwise.

  10. Kytano says:

    My first comment on your blog and I just want to tell you something.

    This is the most fun mod in the minecraft history, you know why? When you have all the stuff you can get, you can do even more…its hard to explain. For example the Aether right. When you did all the stuff, your done and you can delete the mod. Same as Terraria, when you have all the items, done…With Industrial-Craft its never done, and thats the way I like it 😀

    Some weird man posted a weird post over there ^_^

    Bye, good luck with IC 2, dont rush 😉

  11. Rojikku says:

    You going to re-add force fields? (Didn’t see them mentioned, and never REALLY got to mess with them :P) Other than that question, and the unfortunate lack of SMP, IC2 is coming along great! The beta(despite the unfortunate nuke reactor glitch), is much smoother than IC. xD Even without the lack of custom sounds. I managed to understand how the electricity worked within an hour, and I never learned IC, it’s much simpler when explosions tell you when it’s wrong… Lol.
    Thanks for all the hard work! x3

    • Alblaka says:

      ^^ Force Fields will come, but due to their late addition and constant buggyness i do not consider them a part of the original IC. Thus they are not within the 1.0 update. But later on :3

      • Rojikku says:

        Really? xD I thought they came at the same time as Teleporters. Whatever… o.o Maybe I can make a wall of teleporters and pressure plates that teleports my enemies away…into a lava pit… Same thing. xD ^^ Looking forwards to the release then.

  12. Holyass says:

    So if we send you 100$ each mouth there will be issues?

    But how???

    we going to sending you money to help you.


    Anyways, Good luck and I do hope that you will have good day today. :3

  13. Traverse says:

    ┻━┻ ︵╰(°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
    Table flipping crazy progress! Props to you Alblaka. Can’t wait till I can test 1.0 so goooood. :3

  14. Ugo says:

    Go alblaka !
    Man continue on developing, Love your work , i’am from BRAZIL.
    and a question … why wont this work wit Optifine mod Bost FPS ?

  15. James says:

    I’ve been watching this since almost when it was first made, but IC2 1.0 will be the first time I install and play it, and I intend to do a clean wipe to do it. I’ll be building a nuclear hellscape somewhere in my world…. something I’ve always wanted to do. Radioactive meltdowns are an exciting concept.

  16. KIN0025 says:

    Hi, i love your mod and hope you recovered from that cold.
    Do you know if you could make force fields into a non block field, a bit like this -
    Also my minecraft crashes when using your mod and running minecraft portably. this is the only mod where it happens. It doesn’t need to be fixed, but just thought i’d tell you

  17. Lethos says:

    OMGWTFBBQ 11one111!!! IC² v1.00 release is out gogo xD

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