Minecrafts “Full Release”

Won’t bother downloading it or searching for changelog stuffs, did Notch anything of interest?

Afaik he did neither finish up NPCs (which could have been neat to create better AIs), nor the nether and of course not the mod support.

How’s the enchantment system, still overpowered as crap (infinite ressources, invulnerability)?

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81 Responses to Minecrafts “Full Release”

  1. TemperingPick says:

    1.8.1 TO 1.0.0

    -Tools make a noise and have a drop animation when they break.
    -A large selection of the new sound effects can be heard here, however a few are not yet utilized.
    -Bows have durability but cannot be enchanted yet.
    -Sound and animation for when a tool is depleted completely.
    -New passive mob – the Villager – who inhabits villages.
    -Redstone ore break time much shorter.
    -Redstone dust looks different when placed.
    -Now has ‘Quit’ button.
    -There is a Particle toggle option under Video Settings.
    -Stairs now drop stair item when demolished.
    -Minor changes to some textures, such as Iron blocks.
    -Creepers, TNT, Ghast shots and explosions in general have new sound effect. Ghast fireball has changed texture.
    -New Mobs: Enderdragon, Mooshroom, Blaze, Magma Cube. Unique ‘player made’ mob: Snow Golem.
    -Animal breeding, including baby versions of pigs, cows and chickens.
    -New dimension and ‘endgame’ scenario.
    -New structures for the Nether dimension – Nether Fortresses. Will often include Blaze spawners.
    -New Nether crop – Netherwart (can only be grown while player is in the Nether.)
    -New Nether materials, including Nether brick and Nether fence.
    -New sounds for fall damage, player damage and for collecting XP orbs.
    -More advanced experience collection and usage system, including enchanting of items for tool enhancements.
    -Complete potion making system added, including Brewing Stand block, glass bottles and the ability to brew potions from a variety of ingame substances and materials.
    -Sun and Moon now rise in the East; orientation of the two bodies is now at 90 degrees compared to 1.8.1. Moon has phases.
    -Drinking a bucket of Milk will cure the player of poison effect.
    -Destroying Obsidian and Spawner blocks is now faster.
    -Throwing eggs will now spawn a Chick.
    -Return of Ferns.
    -New ‘Mushroom’ biome including ‘Giant Mushrooms’ of two kinds, a new mob that is a cow with mushrooms growing on it and a new soil block called Mycelium.
    -Several new items including Blaze rod, Blaze powder, gold nuggets, Ghast tears, melons.
    -Use for ‘Ender pearl’ item whereby throwing the pearl will instantly transmit you to the resulting location. Does not work in Creative mode. When combined with Blaze power, forms a ‘dowsing’ tool for finding the location of Strongholds. When applied to ‘Ender Portal Frame’ blocks, creates a new complete block. A full set of completed Frames opens a portal to ‘The End’.
    -The range of blocks that Enderman can pick up has been reduced.
    -9 New records of music produced by C418, possible found in Stronghold chests.
    -New sound effects for eating and drinking.
    -When loading a pre-existing world in 1.0.0, some users are finding that their Enchanting Table(s) may disappear.
    -Sun and Moon are square.
    -New ‘dripping’ effects for when a certain substance is directly above the block you are looking at; lava drips orange, water drips blue and slimes green.
    -Wooden posts now connected with a greater number of materials, such as stone, grass and wood. Fences have a smaller hitbox.
    -Changes to Bed functionality: When trying to sleep, you will be denied if mobs are close by and recieve this warning message. Once the area is cleared, you will be able to sleep and will no longer be disturbed by mobs at any point in the night. Unknown at this moment how big the area of effect is.
    -Nether portals unaffected by flowing water.
    -Ten new achievements – listed here. Unsure as to exactly which have been implemented and from which version.

    RC2 – 1.0.0

    -The sky is possibly a slightly different color, tinged lavender near the horizon [any one have an image comparison?]
    -Wooden doors work properly again. NOPE! See bugs below.
    -Endermen can be heard over ending credits / poem.
    -Experience points are not lost when leaving The End dimension.
    -New icon for ‘The End’ achievement. Was a spawner, now a Dragon egg.
    -Hitbox for Wheat block now changed slightly; slightly shorter.
    -Slight improvement to Bonemeal functionality. For some plants, it will not waste a Bonemeal if application would have no effect.
    -Overall increases in performance and frame rate for some users.
    -The range of blocks that Dragons can destroy may have been reduced, for example Cobblestone may now survive.

    There you go.

  2. necans says:

    Hey there,don’t bash people like that!

    Im not fanboy,but still…this mod thing of yours,its based on a game that Notch created.Atleast show some respect towards him.

    Youre getting abit full of yourself.If thats so – prove it by creating your own game based on IC,not modding the game you are bashing every now and then 🙂

    Imagine some millionare discovered your mod,and decided to put one million euros in your PayPal.Would you continue working on this mod,and wasting countless hours on people who every now and then bash your work,request updates when they now you are busy.You wouln’t.Every sane person wouldn’t.They would quit university,get a nice house,make a family and start enyojing life.

    Notch got married,he will probably have kids,sooner than lather.Jeb is taking over Minecraft,and soon he will be in charge of MC.He has girlfriend too – just because theyre game got popular and got alot of money,it doesnt mean theyre Java skills should all just rise up like rainbow and start coding serious shit.

    I think that you should either stop doing Minecraft and start something on your own,or stop bashing around people that literally created stuff that you work on.

    • Rgamer says:

      A million euros/dollars isn’t as much as it used to be. While it is a lot of money, it won’t just let you, at 20-30, just say “okay, I don’t have to work for the rest of my life.” Now, with good investing, it could return a large amount of money, but if, say, Bill Gates gave Al a million euros, he wouldn’t be able to just quit university. Al would still need to finish his degree, get a job, etc.

      • necans says:

        Yeah,i wasnt right about university/job thing,and just listend big amount of money.I was trying to compare with Notch situation.

        4 million people bought the game.Lets say all of them are bought in alpha state (wich are surely not,but still),he has around 40 million euros.If he was taking Minecraft as a job,he would just stop developing now,and said – this is released game,enyoj it.Price – 20 euros.If you like it,take it,if not,please don’t.Thanks.

        But he doesn’t.He enjoys it,just like Albalka does.Sure,he likes money – so does everybody else.When Technic pack got released,Albalka was probably preparing an internet assault on Yogscast – few days later..woop!A wild money appears on PayPal.Its effective!No more trash talk on modpacks/Yogscast.Why?Money changes people.It changed Notch.He realised,instead of wasting countless hours on Minecraft,he could enyoj,lets say,travellin around world with his wife – making kids,making anything,but not coding Minecraft.And i don’t think its a bad thing – money is part of our world,and it should be hated,but in its own way.I think big fat guy deserves a big break before he starts on developing Minecraft again.

      • Alblaka says:

        Though i would do that without the hassle of “goddamn, i need money, gimme any job!”

        • riccars says:

          Thats very true, if you assume the 9 of them (I think there are 9) get paid $40,000 / year. In one year that’s $360,000. If their new games don’t bring in as much revenue Mojang could run on that only a few years. Not to mention any other expenses like that legal mess with Bethesda.

      • Clearshot says:

        Well, 1million would let u stop working, but u wont be able to live like u where rich, going by UK average earning of about 20k a year and working from 20-65 (45 years) thats just under 1million. So you wont have to work for the rest of ur life but u wont be able to buy everything u want either

    • Alblaka says:

      The problem is, the very people i’m “bashing” are, in my eyes, constantly de-volving Minecraft and entirely ignoring the fact 50% of Minecrafts playerbase prefers their fav mods far above the vanilla game. I rather prefer to raise my voice in a probably futile attempt to make them stop adding random useless RPG-elements and instead focus on fixing the code and adding mod-APIs like they promised MONTHS ago^^.

      Everyone is entitled to his own oppinion, though.

      • necans says:

        Notch kinda apologised about API in his blog,if this is apology.

        “One thing that kind of fell between chairs is the mod support.. Sorry about that, I take full responsibility for letting that get forgotten about. But when it comes to the new launcher, it got folded into a new exciting project I won’t talk about yet.”

        I agree,50% of people playing Minecraft is depending on mods,myself included.I think its great fact,actually – that means people enyoj the core of the game (the idea of it),and want to expand it.

        About random “useless” RPG elements,i think that hes trying to make Creative mode what survival was before (you can dig three blocks under yourself and put one above,and you won minecraft),and make survival adventure mode.

        Check that out more on here


        I don’t defend the guy,im just justifying his deeds,because somehow i don’t think that hes playing the role of “don’t care,wont do”.

      • bbqroast says:

        Finally someone with some sense!
        Yes the RPG elements suck! Oh look now Minecraft has a leveling system, soon we are going to be right clicking on blocks and selecting mine only to have “You do not have a pick that you have the level to wield that can break this block in your inventory”.
        Also if the API does come out I doubt it will have the features to run IC2 it may even have less power than ModLoader (not that ModLoader isn’t insanely good at its job).

  3. LordMord says:

    I agree withe Alblaka. Why should i download the “Full release” it would just break all my mods and give me something that fells like a mod to minecraft withe the difference that i did not chose it and actually don’t want.

    I want notch to make the basics and the engine right (add a real modding support). Everything else should be a choice of the player if they need a mod and if which one they want.

    Sorry but currently i am more interest in what my favorite mods add (IC,BC,RedPower) instead of what notch adds. He made an awesome game but now e only adds stupid stuff and leaves bugs unfixed.

  4. Rgamer says:

    Now for my personal comment: Nothing new compared to PR6/RC2. Granted, the improved mining times for certain blocks *cough redstone ore/stone bricks cough* is a significant improvement, but I think that was in RC2.

    In relation to 1.8.1, the nice new features are:
    Animal Breeding
    Improved mining times
    Unlimited strongholds(Why were they limited in the first place?)
    Endermen can now only pick up blocks you could with bare hands (Namely, dirt, etc.), so they are not NPC griefers any more.

    • Alblaka says:

      Ok, gonna gree entirely, that endermen fix IS great.
      Animal Breeding would be a great addition, if they wouldn’t have screwed up the animal spawning for 1.8 in first place (without adding the breeding there). Kinda a “finally fixed”-attitude.
      Mining Times are redundant for IC-users, Mining Drills eat through everything either way :3 But nice to see that the long-redstone-mining WAS actually a bug, not a feature.

      Dunno about Strongholds, don’t see much of a use in them.

      • Rgamer says:

        I don’t see the use in strongholds either, and I care not about mining times, for I have 3 automated miners :). Still, I was just putting in what seem to be the significant updates. And yes, animal breeding is a “Finally fixed” type of thing for me too. Actually, it’s one of the few reasons I agree with Player’s hurry to get to 1.0: I want to start a ranch. I don’t care if it’s cow, pig, or chicken. I just want a ranch.

    • ViPeR says:

      Endermen can now only pick up blocks you could with bare hands (Namely, dirt, etc.), so they are not NPC griefers any more.

      So we still need a patch to get enderman out of the world. I Still not finished with all the “enderholes” on my server. The world looks like crap after some hours Playtime.

      • Rgamer says:

        Hey, at least they aren’t “borrowing” valuables like metal blocks, stone bricks, stone walls, glass, etc. I agree, they’re annoying, and I think having a setting to only let them pick up, say, leaves, tall grass, etc. might be nice server-side, but otherwise, they’re fine now.

      • Alblaka says:

        At least they wont steal your massfab / Reactor cooling elements anymore, though.

  5. CommisarCain says:

    As far as notch apologizing for letting mod support being neglected goes, I think its bullshit. Just because you apologize for not doing something that you should have done doesn’t make it right. He said one thing and did another. I don’t think that is acceptable no matter where you are from. He has taken and/or used plenty of mods to make money. The recent dynamic lighting as just one example. That in itself is not a problem but, its the whole not-recompensing-my-beasts-of-burden-thing. Sure I’ll take what you got and then ignore you. Carry on making my game popular and I will use that to make myself rich and eat many doughnuts. Etc. Etc. I’m not raging, it happens everyday all around the world. However, that doesn’t mean its ok. 1000 atta-boys are erased by one o-shit.

    • Rgamer says:

      Agreed. Also “recent” dynamic lighting thing?

      Also, Alblaka, do you mind if I make a Dwarf Fortress version of IC/IC2?

      • Alblaka says:

        Of course you’re free to recreate IC for any other game you like ^^ Unless you want to use the exact same sprites (doubt that, though), in which case i would ask you to provide some sort of credits/link to this forum/blog whereever you publish that mod :3

        • Skeaxaxis says:

          Alblaka, have you tried making your own game? That would actually be pretty awesome!

          • Alblaka says:

            I’ve got one extremely simple java app, but next to studying and IC there just isn’T enough time for a real game yet.
            As well, i first need to increase my C++ coding skills, Java is too slow for real games.

          • John says:

            Ironically, had Minecraft been programmed in C++, something like IC could never have been shoved into it.

            The unintentional mod support provided by Java has got to be the best mistake Notch ever made.

        • Rgamer says:

          Thanks. And using the exact same sprites rates at essentially impossible. Well, time to get cracking.

          • Remuthra says:

            lol, it would be so funny if it did use the sprites.

            Lets see here: character, character, character, edited texture, detailed machine-looking block, character, dwarf

            Wait what?

  6. necans says:

    I just realised – IC2 was featured at Yogscast panel at Minecon.Congratulations!

  7. Hosed says:

    The real problem that noone wants to face is that Minecraft is essentially a test product turned retail. As such it was built with a very limiting set of assumptions that now plague it. What I don’t understand is the lack of real improvement in the 2 years since release given the number of copies sold. That’s what irks me. I see someone (Notch) who achieved true success and has done nothing but continue to devalue that success since.

    • CommisarCain says:

      Agreed. If I were him I would be putting a couple more folks on the pay roll. A game like this wont go away over night and the more he makes the code accessible to modders the better the game will be. The more popular the more money he gets. The more money he has the more resources he has for his next project. I mean it seems cut and dried for me. He talks about how exhausted he is all the time and yet you know he has the resources already to decrease his work load and increase the quality of the game. The whole time making cash. Im not there and I don’t know the full story but it seems like a case of smart guy making dumb decision. Dunno.

      Dynamic Lights mod thingy = Google it. Basically the new lighting system was directly upgraded from a mods code with the assistance/imput of the modder. Not a problem just an example showing modders finishing the game for him. Recent relative to the old lighting system.

      • CommisarCain says:

        lolz imput vs input. oops.

      • Kim says:

        Uhm, more people does not always mean better code.
        It becomes the “Too many cooks for one soup” problem, unless they have a really good project manager.
        But I really do want him to add that mod-api (which was just going to be the unobfuscated sourcecode in the end).
        And there is nothing wrong in him using mods to “finish” the game as he stated early on that he would take the right to do so, if a mod was doing something he wanted. Just sad that he often made a worse job than the modders.

        • Rgamer says:

          Indeed. Most of the mods he has “borrowed” would have been better unaltered. Also, the old lighting system is better, in my humble opinion.

  8. Andalia says:

    Im Dezember wird ein Speziallist für KI’s eingestellt der den NPC’s leben einhauchen wird.

    • Remuthra says:

      yeah, that…

      lol, i dont speak german

      • Rgamer says:

        In December, a special list for AI’s set of the NPC’s will breathe life.

        Courtesy of Google translate. If anyone could tell us what the real translation is, it would be much appreciated. HOwever, here is my attempt:

        In December, the NPC AIs will be released, fully improved.

        • sevs44936 says:

          He said:
          In December, a AI expert will be employed, who is supposed to bring the npc’s to life/improve them.

        • Blain says:

          In december an expert for AI (artificial intelligence)
          will be hired, who will finish the NPC’s

  9. Abuelo says:

    This is pretty much what happened:


  10. Schoon says:

    I love IC2, i love it, i love it, i love it!
    Vanilla MC used to be okay but i completely agree with Alblaka, Notch is making it crap.
    Necans you may be right that they have lives.. the point is that notch got 35million to make this game.. yet he only employs 2 people including himself – this is why hes a tool.

  11. FarFarAway says:

    “How’s the enchantment system, still overpowered as crap (infinite ressources, invulnerability)?”

    Oh…. And quantum suit, macerator, solarfarms with matterfabs aren’t that op ? 😉

    One might say ic2 + bc ist way to overpowered, others say Oh its just the fun to build all that factorys. I myself become a bit disappointed when you call others work bad, while your mod itself ist relativly buggy in smp, and a third of the important-to-me functions still won’t work. Even though they were promised MONTHS ago.
    But instead you are working on some things (the electronics/computer thingi) no one ( me!) doesn’t want to have.
    I myself find the ender things and brewing quite nice. Will play on my 2nd vanilla server for a while. Just wanna say, think what you like, but don’t point your finger on others work. If its that bad, leave it alone and do something else! 😀


    • Alblaka says:

      Ok, gotta agree on the QuantumSuit
      Solarfarms aren’t exactly overpowered. A solar is a solar. If you spam stuff people consider to call it overpowered. But same way you could spam giant mobgrinders everywhere, would infinite bones and stuff be OP then?

      The enchantment system, or at least what i’ve seen from it in the prereleae IS overpowered. You can’t call a method to infinite duplicate any sort of block anything else but plainly overpowered. Massfab at least has horrid EU costs.

      Would you please labelling the “important-to-you” functions? Afaik the only stuff not working in SMP currently are fall-damange modifying items.
      I doubt i promised you to fix IC²-SMP month ago, it’s not even that old. Unless you refer to random stuff i suggested for later on int he beginning phase of IC. Again, feel free to bring it up, eventually it got dropped somewhere.

    • Remuthra says:

      it is, but you earned the right to be totally op at that point cause you finished the Epic IC Techtree of Total Longness! ™ and made a bunch of systems to do all the tedious stuff for you. B)

      now off to make some completely random stuff with the blocks my auto-farmers are busy feeding me!

      Swampy, Away!

  12. AnnaMayBelle says:

    After posting on Minecraft Forum some weeks back, voicing my displeasure with the “adventure” aspects of the game that essentially crippled Peaceful mode, I was crushed under an avalanche of blind fanboys beating me down for saying anything that goes against The Holy Word of Mojang.

    Don’t get me wrong, I have no animosity toward Mojang, nor Notch. I love the product he and his team have created, I have great respect for his business model, and their refusal to employ DRMs. I just don’t like the direction Vanilla MC is headed, and I felt that those of us who enjoyed “creativity without cheating” were getting ignored.

    After reading this page, I’m so happy to see how many like-minded souls there are out there. I knew there had to be more than just me, unhappy with elements like alchemy, Griefermen, and increased dependance on materials from monsters that hold way too much power to destroy your hard-earned creations. I recently lost my small SMP server to a crash, that even Chunkster doesn’t seem to be able to recover from, and when I started a new server, I set it up as an IC2 server.

    Thank you, Alblaka, for all of your great work.

  13. 4NG3L says:

    @Alblaka’s status: you can easily replace the BC pipes with the RP ones. (I think they are better.)

    • Alblaka says:

      I refuse to use any elements of RP except the actual REDSTONE ones (Logic and Wiring, it’s goddamn handy and for me the true meaning of “Eloraams Redstone Mod”).
      Bluetricity and the whole pipe stuff belong, imho, to IC and BC.

      • Rgamer says:

        Unfortunately, it seems that eloraam has done a better job coding her tubes than SpaceToad has with his pipes…

        IMHO, Spacetoad needs to spend a bit of time on code optimization for BC, and stop adding new features for a little bit. I’d like to use BC a lot more than I do, but the fact that many of its powerful machines(Quarry, filler, etc.) are CPU hogs really keeps me from using them as I’d like to, and makes them in some aspects inferior to the automated Miner.

        • Alblaka says:

          As i only want the pipe system and autocrafting tables, I have no reason to prefer RP’s copied pipes over the original ones ^^ Jup, the Quarry is a hog, it’s block iterating mechanism is literally the worst mining code possible. Except from a random-based one, probably.

          • PirateAE says:

            IMO each of IC BC and RP need to not creep on each other. IC is not creeping on no one else, BC is trying abit reallly late to creep RP and RP is creeping both BC and IC.

            The more they creep the more likely thye will lose any copatablity and end up over extending themselves.

          • Alblaka says:

            Exactly my oppinion (except i wouldn’t use the word ‘creep’).
            I dropped anything but extremely basic item-transportation codes (Miner stuffing results into chests) and did never do anything in relation to redstone.

          • Rgamer says:

            I dunno, if I tried writing it I’m pretty sure it’d end up worse. On the other hand, my coding skill is nonexistant.

  14. Aion says:

    (1st post Yay)
    What I would like to see is a mod that takes the element of minecraft and add AGES, like how when you start minecraft you are more or less in the stone age, where the (Technik Pack) brings you into post modern era (minus cars guns and creeper mobsters)

    either way, Ive been writing up a server idea on this premise of speaking with modders to devise a way to research new blocks in game using a research table displaying a (0-100%) bar acknowledging that you have learned the recipe to make a generator or to later extent nuclear fission.

    this would be exceptional in a pvp server specially if you die you lose research experience and thus forced to use previous level weaponry in your defence.

    (Castles vs Cities) guns vs bows , deathrobots vs swords n shields..

    eventually the latter would be able to live in the surface where losers of a struggle would need to either go underground or live in a distant land… who knows…

  15. LordFokas says:

    First of all, my stomach is kind of developing a hate for notch.
    I love the game, but there are really bad aspects.

    I mean, its a game, that runs on JAVA! Depends on super slow virtual machine, which is no good for any game. Not to mention that it crashes regularly, for no reason (i’m talking about vanilla). Also the game is just too easy… Alblaka’s IC2 adds hard objectives. Full diamond set? easy. Head on to nether and slay anything that moves? easy. Make an Iridium plate? Bust your ass for days, and it will still be very hard. Have a full quantum set? HARDCORE!

    Ofc Quantum is overpowered, that is the purpose of the hardest to obtain end-of-the-longest-tech-tree-i’ve-ever-seen item. That is what motivates you to do it all!

    Ok, now you die. Head back, your house is waiting for you and your items are all in the place you died (unless you died in lava).
    Oh, you just left you Nuclear Reactor unmanned to take a piss? Surprise, you just earned a brand new gigantic crater! Wo-hooo!

    Now, about the devs. First, they code in java, bad decision. Then they code a lot of bugs, happens to everyone. Then they don’t fix them, bad decision. Then they add new stuff on top of bugs. Ok, let’s add more stuff!!

    Hippoplatimu’s Piston Mod?
    Add pistons!

    Realtime lighting?
    Add new lighting engine!

    Promise a modding API!

    Add NPC’s and villages!

    Add more mobs and breeding!

    Yeah Notch, you are SOOOO original! And I bet you wrote all that code too! (Or NOT!)

    Wouldn’t it have been for the terrible mistake of using Java, the game would never have been modded, no one would have made it for Notch, and it would have become just another failure. And also, no one would have become rich at the expenses of the awesome modders, like Alblaka.

    About IC2 / BC / RP…
    RP is going too far with all those trees and non-redstone related stuff. It’s stupid.
    Those 3 should join and make something great. Like a single mod that does with everything. IC2 for power and item processing, BC for transportation, RP for logic.
    Stop racing, integrate.

    As an example, I’d rather use IC2 power than BC’s Engines, but I prefer BC’s pump. Also, I’d like to be able to feed my geothermal generators with liquid lava from a pipe, but such thing is not possible.

    I have said too much already. Keep up the good work, I love it Alblaka!

    • Alblaka says:

      We agreed on never merging the mods, solely because they’re all easier to maintain individually. As well we agree on not to mess into others ideas/system a few month ago, too. Some of us three aren’t exactly taking that agreement all too serious, though.

      I would LOVE to implement the BC Pipe interfaces into IC, both the normal and the liquid one. Stupidly BC is kinda messed up right now, with 2 seperate versions out, from which both APIs conflict with each other. Once SpaceToad got his stuff sorted out, i will gladly make use of the liquid functions.

    • Slizyboy says:

      The JVM is *not* a ‘super slow virtual machine’ – do you remember how bad it was not 4 years ago? It’s gotten significantly better since then. It is, however, still a crazy memory hog. Minecraft itself seems to request a lot more ram to be ‘reserved’ for the JVM and then promptly seems to not use nearly as much, which confuses me to no end.

      The problem with *Java* is that you can get away with writing *terrible* code, and code that might be good but performs *terribly*, and still get by. Other languages that don’t hold your hand as much get two advantages over Java: a) better compilers to machine code (the JVM does JIT, and does it well, but it’s not the same), and b) because you’re forced to think about more ‘machine specific’ things, like memory in the C/C++, you sorta think about performance more overall anyway. It is, for lack of a better way of saying it, harder to write poorly performant code in C/C++ that also does the job you want it to do.

      Frankly, I’m amazed at how performant minecraft is overall, given that it’s written in Java and how horrendous the code looks (I’ve taken a look at it a couple of times, I shudder just remembering it).

  16. LordFokas says:

    Well, i guess you could develop it separatelly and then interface them all, but having repeated mechanisms (such as the Pumps) is somewhat unnecessary, to say the least, even though they work differently.

    For example, using the BC pump and then having a machine that filled cells with fuel, oil, lava and water fed by pipes would be awesome.

    I think IC2 causes some lag, namely power circuits.
    I love geothermal generators, they are my favourite power source, but I feel major lag spikes around them, namely when I am about 20 blocks away from them.
    Also, nuclear reactors have the same effect.

    I am no Java expert, in fact, I hate Java, but I have programming skills (IT engineering, 3rd year) and i’d say every once in a while (somewhat frequent whiles :P) the circuits make too much calculations per tick.

    I don’t like to blame your *AWESOME* mod for those lag spikes, but they only occur when I have major power sources around. Would you check that?

    About BC, i find it pretty buggy (namely conductive pipes not working), and RP is getting messed up because of those stupid things unrelated to redstone that Eloraam adds. I mean, I like RP’s redstone stuff, I’ve made 4 x86 16-bit CPU registers with it, and it works awesomely, but Eloraam has lost perspective on the mod, and keeps adding that stuff. Like trees –‘

    So in the case anyone must be on top, I vote IC2! If you added pipes and redstone stuff, you would beat them all easily (and it would still be industrial :D). Of course I recognize the load of work it would require, and so I will no longer touch that topic unless anyone asks.

    • Alblaka says:

      Much more like, the issues are caused by the sound engine. The power system is running continously unless you add or remove blocks.
      However the soundengine is ridicolously hardware intensive and the CPU-hungre raises if the sound needs to calculate how loud it is meant to be displayed (thus 20 blocks ~ maximum distance ~ most CPU).

    • Gaxx says:

      “For example, using the BC pump and then having a machine that filled cells with fuel, oil, lava and water fed by pipes would be awesome.”

      that’s exactly my thought. also: if you could connect BC waterproof pipes directly with a generator you could create very efficient watermill-generator-blocks or geothermal-powerplants in the nether by pumping lava from the ocean and store the energy in lapotron crystals or lava in cells. doing something similiar today requieres a lot of manual labour.

  17. LordFokas says:

    Oh, I see… thanks a lot. Anything you’d recomend me to do to at least reduce this issue?

    • Alblaka says:

      1. Wait for the new release.
      2. Starts poking Player until he fixes it
      3. Disable IC sounds (config)
      4. Upgrade your PC.

      Any of these should work well.

  18. aib says:

    I’ve looked through the MC code a bit and have a few points to make:

    The code quality sadly reflects MC’s humble beginnings. Notch is an excellent game designer, IMO, but if MC’s code quality reflects his top coding skills, he’s not such a good coder. Note how reluctant I was to make the second point; various factors impose lots of limits on a coder, and dare I say, every coder I know writes code that is below their standards.

    I agree with you on that MC’s code is a mess. This may be a decompiler artifact, but I see a lot of magic numbers flying around. Many aspects of the game are hard-coded, and I see a tendency for favoring quick fixes that save the day rather than deep changes that save more time in the long run. For example, the lighting code has leaf- and stairs-specific portions, and the rendering code makes exceptions for grassy dirt.

    I’ll explain the problem briefly for non-programmers. Imaging you have lighting working for fully transparent or fully opaque blocks, which is all you have. Now imagine you want to add leaves, which are semi-transparent. You have two options: either add exceptional cases to the code to handle the “transparent, but not fully” case for leaves, or implement a whole subsystem to support semi-transparency. The latter is harder and more time-consuming to design and to code because it is more general. However, it saves time in the long run if you are going to add other semi-transparent blocks. With the former solution, you’d have to add more exceptions every time you wanted a new semi-transparent block. You’d also have lighting code that mentions grass, and soon a tangled mess of interlocking systems.

    Minecraft has opted for the former, quicker solution and now we have lighting bugs with the stairs. Should they keep on doing this, soon the development speed will grind to a standstill, and they’ll be introducing more bugs with every code change. I don’t even think any kind of helpful modding API is possible with the code as it currently is. It needs major refactoring.

    I’d like to think they’ll hire a new team to write the whole code from scratch while the current one keeps experimenting with new features, but I’m too experienced to be an optimist.

    Another option is spending more time than needed on bugfixes and slowly refactoring the messy code into maintainable modules and subsystems as they go. If anyone is following the recent changes in code, I’d like to know if they’ve already started doing this.

    • Slizyboy says:

      ^ We should figure out a way to send that back in time to Notch and convince him to listen to it. Then again, we might never get Minecraft if we do that, cause he might spend forever developing the ‘general solution’.

      Honestly, in Notch’s case, I think he started out Minecraft the right way: throw features at it, see what works, see what doesn’t. However, as a solo coder, you don’t have much motivation to clean up your code, just like many people don’t like cleaning their rooms. You remember where you put everything last, why organize it?

      Then he started getting cash and hiring more dudes. At this point, also legit to keep throwing new features in, since the game is still half-baked. However, some time should’ve been spent towards code quality, not code quantity. Towards the end (I’m thinking 1.6, maybe 1.7), some dedicated resources should’ve been allocated to looking at old abstractions and doing hard, tedious, painful refactors of large chunks of code, so that they would be cleaner and more organized for the future. Working at a company where this has had to happen repeatedly, I can tell you it is *well* worth it, but you have to have the programming cajones to push through and actually finish. You can’t ‘halfway’ fix things, that seriously just leaves them more broken than before.

      On a side note, I think the ‘magic numbers’ floating around might be due to the fact that javac optimizes out final constants and just writes their value all over the place. It definitely does constant folding and dead code elimination, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it did that as well.

      • aib says:

        That reminds me – I should catch up on xkcd :).

        I agree with you completely. Really, there’s nothing more to say there :). The initial approach to MC made it possible, but it has to change soon if MC is going to be anything near maintainable or extendable.

        But I think the frequent new features are what keeps MC alive at the moment. I don’t think masses’ attention spans can outlive an exclusive rewrite from scratch or a major refactoring; that’s why Notch has to keep coming up with new features and someone has to keep implementing them to try them out.

  19. Aion says:

    Alblaka would you consider using your (Biofuel) or BC’s (Refined Fuel) for a Industrialcraft specific Vehicles?

    Like Robots, Laser cannons, and other over the top devices is nice and dandy but i feel like allot of mods are avoiding Cars/Tanks/Planes/Motorized Boats, which would be awesome and I can think of an awesome way to make a car from using elements of each part of technic pack.

    Biofuel or Liquid Fuel as a Combustable Agent
    IC2 Generator to move the car or (Engine)
    Container in rear for storage/.

  20. Dee says:

    From what I’ve seen of it the enchantment system from playing the prereleases and doing some research it doesn’t seem overpowered for the most part. Generally getting any of the more useful enchantments require a lot of grinding (or a lot of luck) and despite what you saw with the fortune enchantment in the past there actually isn’t any way to duplicate items with it. This is mostly because it doesn’t work on anything that can be placed as a block such as iron and gold or turned into a block like clay and snow. My guess for what happened back when it duplicated TNT is that notch simply used the wrong block id when trying to include redstone ore in the list of acceptable blocks (since at the time it didn’t work on that). The only enchantment I can see being a possible issue with IC² is silk touch which might allow players to have a hundred percent drop chance on machines depending on how it’s coded but, even if that is the default setting I know notch has been able to take things off that list in the past so there’s probably a work around. Although it would probably be important to make sure rechargeable tools and armor can’t be enchanted since the tools breaking is a important balancing factor in enchanting. I also wanted to mention your mod has been my favorite so far, I just hadn’t looked it up in a while since I assumed IC² would take a bit longer to make.

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