‘Dustrial Christmas everyone!

We wish you an ‘Dustrial Christmas,
We wish you an ‘Dustrial Christmas,
We wish you an ‘Dustrial Christmas
and a Mining Laser.

:3 It’s short after midnight in my timezone, thus it’s the 24th, which means > Christmas.

Merry Christmas to everyone. ^^


I’m actually sorry not to provide some epic Christmas content. Had enough ideas, but lacked the time, given we had the 1.0 ports, bugfixes and me+studentish group had to finish a large document for university till yesterday 23:59, keeping us overly busy along the past time.
I hope you can enjoy Christmas nontheless :3 Take some time off from IC² and enjoy it with your familys or do charity things, like donating diamonds to someone. Unless you got no family or hate Christmas, in that case use the extra time and grab some new UUM to create random stuff!


Yes, it appears the SQL-Server got some issues currently. Forum appears entirely offline. Wiki and blog appear to work again, though.

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46 Responses to ‘Dustrial Christmas everyone!

  1. imer says:

    Merry Christmas! 🙂

  2. Sousage says:

    Merry Christmas for you too!
    I’m starting my IC2 Server Tonight 🙂
    Let’s Rock 😀

    I mean Diamond

  3. Sirbrandino says:

    Too bad there is no Christmas content, but we understand. Enjoy your Christmas!

  4. Dirk Schut says:

    Merry Christmas from Holland to Germany (or at least I believe you live there. If not, tell me 😉 )


  5. Lancezh says:

    I fuckin hate christmas but this is the first greeting i accept 😛 Merry Gibblmas to you sir!

  6. Scors says:

    Merry Chistmas to all! And to all a good night! 🙂

  7. andrewred says:

    merry christmas from california to Deutchland

    • andrewred says:

      wow writing even that simple german word is pretty hard

      • Dirk Schut says:

        German is a pretty hard language to learn I have to agree 🙂 I am having some problems with it myself. But well, we in Holland have to learn it 🙁 (no insult)

        • Gnoccy says:

          I can´t understand you, I´ve got no problems with German… But maby thats because I´m from Germany^^
          BTW andrewred, you forgot an ‘s’, it´s “DeutSchland”

  8. Andrew says:

    I think I’d rather play IC2 than celebrate Christmas.

  9. Atiyeh says:

    That made me lol. Merry ‘Dustrial Christmas!

  10. Shalashalska says:

    Merry Christmas! Time to dip into my 80-odd stacks of UUM, and donate 2 stacks to each person on the server 😀

    Buildcraft plus 512 eu/t from solars, plus 4 minefactory fishers running on a RP2 timer set to .2, pumping into recyclers, which pump into the mass fab, which pumps to a diamond chest. Fortunately for my plans of making a stack of diamond blocks purely from HUM, there’s only 5 others playing on my server.

  11. cammygames says:

    Merry xmas to all the IC2 team

  12. nroe1337 says:

    Alblaka! Thank you for including a message for haters like me who cant stand the christmas season. I will be playing the new version, maing some UUM and for sure, making some random stuff!

  13. Razor says:

    Merry Christmas, or frohe weihnachten 🙂
    Being german is awesome, i didnt even know that you are from germany :3
    Also, i think the forum crashed atleast for me…

    • nroe1337 says:

      It appears to be down for me too. Maybe they’re taking christmas time to do a little maintenance? I hope it will be back soon. 😀

  14. Keyalha says:

    I also wish you a dusty Christmas Albaka have a few nice days and enjoy some time with Family and Friends, thanks for your great Mod.

    A Merry Christmas to you Albaka 🙂

    Frohe Weihnachten Albaka 🙂

  15. Webmilio says:

    Merry Christmas from Canada to everyone ! It’s actually 12:30 (noon) but I’m not sure I’ll be able to write later so yeah !


  16. Withmyself64 says:

    Alblaka, I noticed that generators do not accept leaves, vines, lily pads, and grass. Did you intend this or will we be able to use them as a really weak fuel source later?

    • Dirk Schut says:

      I think he intents on not excepting them, because they would generate such little electricity, it is not worthwhile coding or doing in game.

  17. Meduax says:

    Frohe Weihnachten!
    (for those of you who don’t know: That’s “Merry christmas” in German)

  18. Marc010 says:

    Frohe Weichnachten :3²

  19. Artusha says:

    I am a big fan of Mass Fabricators. In the 1.337 version I have found 33 recipies. Is that all of them or am i missing some?

  20. MorganIsCewl says:

    (Minecraft + IndustrialCraft) > Christmas
    Merry Christmas, tho! I love you guys in a completely platonic and non-homosexual way!

  21. Rgamer says:

    Hey, Alblaka. Just wondering if we could have an update on how CPU/AlbOS development is going for Christmas (As in, do you think it will be in the next release).

    Other than that, I hope you had a merry Christmas, whether you spent it with family or not.

  22. AndreyKl says:

    Miner is not mining RP ores. Shouldn’t this be resolved by ore dictionary? i definetly have 2 blocks of each ore – id 140 (RP ores) and id 248/249 (IC ores), but they do stuck after smelting.

  23. tjeulink says:

    i don’t now if you are sure but was it you that said that collored light’s couldn’t be made with the current minecraft code? well that isn’t really importand, more importand is that here is a proof that it can 😀 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3ABOc_EBto&feature=fvwrel and that you now know you can make colored luminators and other colord light stuff :D, it would be awesome….

  24. Xearis says:

    Because the lighting system from back then is quite a bit different from the current lighting system. So unless that mod got a complete overhaul, it won’t work as is. Plus, that video is old, so that mod might not even exist anymore.

  25. Wastolomaei says:

    Frohes Neues Jahr, Alblaka und das IC2-Team!
    Ich hoffe, dass alle deine Vorhaben für 2012 gelingen werden!

    Happy new Year to everyone else who read this comment!

  26. cammygames says:

    hey Alblaka any chance of a version that is compatible with the new release from flowerchild and spacetoad to combine BTW and BC together?

    link: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/910330-10-better-then-buildcraft-v-101-upd-jan-1st/

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