Forestry Incompatibility

Forestry 1.3.0 is incompatible with IC2 due to a last minute API change. Replace the ic2/api folder inside forestry-client-A-1.3.0.jar with  the matching folder from our client jar file to fix the issue.

Unless Forestry updated the API by itself, that is.

Forestry got updated with the newest API, downloading it again should solve any issue by itself.

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11 Responses to Forestry Incompatibility

  1. NetherTrey says:

    Wow, was really scared there for a second. Haven’t built a jar in a month or two and was afraid I forgot how :). That fixed the issue, thanks for the heads up.

  2. Harmony says:

    I has been restored between forestry and IC2

    I didn’t like that moment of Disharmony……

  3. SirSengir says:

    Thanks Alblaka for posting about the issue and its solution. 🙂

    Just to note that (the older version for BuildCraft 2.2.12 and SMP) had the same issue and has been repackaged as well.

  4. Eaglejake says:

    Hey, just a quick question. What happened with Mine4Dead? It looked pretty cool, if it is possible to port, hunger would make it much better in my opinion 🙂

  5. Samuel Smith says:

    Mind editing the title to [fixed]? It makes me do a double take every single time even though I know this is old news. :/

  6. railcraft Incompatibility with foresty D: it still won’t work

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