*robot dance*

Don’t ask.
Promised my student group to do a win-robot-dance if we pass SWP :3
Just, after 96 hours of waiting, received the mail confirming we passed it. And actually with a fine grade of ~3.0. Appears our code wasnt as crapperific after all.

Means the next 4 weeks a free of anything not-fun-related. Just need to get my MCP setup running again and then
I’ll rock the code
like a hurricane.

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30 Responses to *robot dance*

  1. taiashi says:

    woo! no more waiting first lol

  2. Sirbrandino says:

    Congrats, Alblaka!

  3. fael13 says:

    Congrats to Alblaka and his friends.
    Now I’ve got to leave it’s time for a show.

  4. Streetwalker says:

    Yay congrats.
    Hope this will make IC2 update faster now you have more free time.

  5. Jere says:

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch! I cant wait for the farming stuff and the plants.. and of course the 1.2.x update…

  6. DanielPSP says:

    listen to this when you continue coding: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b79idZJkRNo&hd=1

    Haha, just kidding, gz for passing ! 😉 Celebrate with your team and good luck with your next task 🙂

  7. Xelanthol says:

    Congratulations, guess you got a bright future ;D Goodluck pal.

  8. killra says:

    not to try to make you stressed or something…
    But i can’t wait any longer for IC² for mc 1.2 D:
    i didn’t update my server to 1.71 when it came out so i haven’t been able to play with crops and when i finally choice to update i needed a clean 1.1 server and well i was to late.

    no just kidding take your time^^

    • Snoochy says:

      i was in your same boat Killra, lol. i had been stuck back using MC1.0.0 and the compatable IC2.

  9. Clearshot says:

    yay IC2 weapons of mass destruction get added sooner 🙂

  10. Tony Miller says:

    Having just watched S02E02 of Community in a catch up marathon, I misread this as you promising your student group to win the robot dance. Grats, and looking forward to upcoming updates.

  11. CommisarCain says:


  12. andrewred says:

    congradulations alblaka

  13. Gnoccy says:

    Glückwunsch, dir und deinen Kollegen!

    • Rgamer says:

      Congratulations to you and your colleagues? That right? If I am, I share the sentiment.

  14. ... says:

    are you ic2 development stopped?

  15. Wolvan says:

    Glückwunsch 😉 Gute Arbeit dir und deinem Team

  16. Lasergut says:

    Congratulations, Big time

  17. AJ says:

    Grats Alblaka! I just finished a huge exam myself so I’m feeling some relief too.

    Looking forward to the 1.2.3 release, but no rush!

  18. LeRazor says:

    Good boy 😀

  19. Ianangelo says:

    Can’t wait for IC2 being updated to 1.2.3. And I hope that there will be a new plant on the agriculture section.

  20. Daniel says:

    Congrats on passing!

  21. Kid says:


  22. Union says:

    Congrats! Hope your grades stay high, and hope you complete that degree soon!

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