Need a name

NanoSuit will be split up into 2 different sets, on being Tier 2 and one Tier 3.

Whereas Tier 2 will consist of Carbon Fiebers and be the “not-advanced” NanoSuit, the Tier 3 armor will be highly advanced, even more overpowered then the NanoSuit and REEEEEEEEEEALLY expensive… as it is made of XXX, which can only be created from UUM.

Now the question, how to name XXX and the Tier3-Suit :O
Drop me some comments i would like to have a really cool name for this (and Coolium doesn’t count!)…

Something like SuperDurabilium or Material-X or Gibbli’zed Iron…
See, i suck at creating names, suggest something.


After 80 comments so far my favoutrite is a Quantum Suit made of Iridium Plating.

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115 Responses to Need a name

  1. Pokenar says:

    Adminium for the armor, because of the old name for bedrock before we were told it was called bedrock

  2. Jotac0 says:

    after tiny investigation, the best mineral to that purpose is Titanium, with is harder than Steal, and lighter. I also found another mineral, but with no explanation of the properties but here is the name: Kevlar.
    hope ot helped ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    • Pokenar says:

      that would probably be better, stronger then steel or iron, but lighter, allowing for better defense then even diamond.

      • Jotac0 says:

        To be honest diamond is even harder than Titanium but, if you hit with mutch strenght in a specific point all the diamond shaders O.o

    • Thomas says:

      For armor, you really care about the Shear modulus, and Titanium’s is terrible. Armor made out Titanium would be lighter, yes, but for the same amount of material, it’s about as good as copper for armor.

    • Shiding says:

      Kevlar isn’t a mineral, it’s a sort of cloth, it’s woven from.. that stuff that comes from cattapilers, but then special ones

      • wilson says:

        It’s made from goats milk that comes from genetically engineered goats. They were reporgrammed so that a protein in spider silk would be present in their milk. Their milk is then processed and the spider silk protein is removed, squeezed into fibers, and woven into a material 100 times stronger than steel, but light as a feather. Kevlar was originally made by Dupont though, and I’m not sure how it was made before genetic engineering.

  3. Jotac0 says:

    Just in case you need more information about Titanium, hre is a link

  4. Merzhin says:

    I’d go with Iridium. It’s an existing metal(even tho it’s quite rare IRL).
    It’s stronger, denser, lighter, more expensive, cooler and rarer than each and every other metal known to man.

    Plus it looks cool too, it’s like super polished metal.

    check wikipedia for more info:

    • Alblaka says:

      Hmmm, tasty name ๐Ÿ˜€

    • zach says:

      i like it but you said it is denser and lighter which is not possible as density is directly proportional to weight. iridium is actually very heavy when compared to others of the same mass. but this is minecraft, physics only exist on sand and gravel.

      • Merzhin says:

        I meanth denser as in “contains more atoms than”
        and lighter as in “Weights less”

        and wow… you actually are right ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Pokenar says:

    Aerogel could also work because from what i hear, it’s stronger then (or as strong) as steel, but as light as a feather

  6. Merzhin says:

    Let me add to that: it’s mostly found in comets… might be a cool addition for IC?

    • wilson says:

      Isn’t iridium uniformely depositied at a consistent depth all around the world? I think that’s how scientists proved that a huge asteroid collided with the planet in the past.

  7. Taladan says:

    Well, without knowing the properties of what the armor does it’s hard to come up with a name that will match its capabilities. However, you can likely do something like this:

    Tier 2: Nano Armor

    Tier 3: Quantum Armor

    Assuming that it’s more overpowered than the original nanosuit, Quantum will likely fit as it implies Quantum Physics which allows for the armor to perform in ways that ‘break’ the known laws of physics in the minecraft world. Now if we could just get the armor to be real quantum armor and be in two states at once: I.E. Mining & Crafting at the same time!

    Hope this helps,


  8. Nerox says:

    Ive got one question though. Do we actually need to use real existing stuff, or could we go creative and name materials which dont exist on earth?
    Was wondering about this, since, the Tier 3 is being crafted with UUM, and since UUM can create anything, it also could craft materials unknown to human, no?

  9. John ryan says:

    How about dark matter… Since it can only be made with uum and Friedmann armor named after the scientist who first formulated dark matter, if you wanted to have more uses for the material dark matter is a good thought I can be used for bombs, power, anti gravity… Lots of open ended options.

    • Tempest says:

      dark matter is used in the equivalent exchange mod, right now i cant think of much that sounds good for armour however if you need a tier 3 weapon how about ‘Detriment’ as that sounds like an awesome weapon ๐Ÿ™‚

      • John ryan says:

        That sucks because in this mod you actually MAKE matter I saw collapsed matter that could work instead but sucks the someone else already took what is a logical step… How about anti-matter or neutrino matter/armor. GRAPHENE… It’s carbon based but can only be made in a lab.

  10. Xaiier says:


    Though I do like the Quantum idea.

  11. Matt says:

    How about collapsed matter. That is matter without any space between the nuclei of the atoms. It is found in neutron stars. It would have to be in a very thin layer though since a teaspoon of the stuff weighs 900 times as much as one of the great pyramids.

  12. Archon says:

    How about carbon nanotubes?

    Carbon fiber is not really nano material, so less advanced version could be just carbon fiber armor.

  13. Nerox says:

    Wanted to use that name for my own mod (which was about refining diamonds into Infiltrin) but failed at coding it, haha.

  14. mike says:


    (from powerpuff girls)

  15. Daedalus says:

    Mineral: Impenetribium. Since it will be impenetrable ๐Ÿ™‚

    Armor: Mark V Power Armor (since anything named “Mark V” has GOT to be powerful ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Thomas says:

    Great, now I have to dig up my paper on Superhard Materials….

    Lets see, materials that are tougher than Diamond Includes
    Boron carbon nitride, abbreviated B-C-O-N
    Osmium diboride

    Of course for fictional materials, you could allways go with

  17. Funonly says:


    a cool name for a cool armour …

    i thought something like this:

    ulimate lux lucis paro – set name

    (ulimate lux lucis) loricatus – chest
    (ulimate lux lucis) cruris – legs
    (ulimate lux lucis) gradior – feet
    (ulimate lux lucis) caput – helm
    (ulimate lux lucis) manus – gloves

    its in latin ๐Ÿ˜‰

    hope its awesome enough

    – funonly –

  18. Nightcro says:

    For XXX=Element Zero or Sakuradite ?:D
    For Tier 3=KnightMare Suit or uhhh… God’s Armor =))
    Hope killer will upload that video soon i can’t wait.

    • Alblaka says:

      The Nanosuit and (for now the name is) Quantum Suit weren’t implemented yet. Waiting for SpaceToad to fix up a few isses with MCForges ArmorHook.
      Don’t exspect either in beez teaser ^^

  19. Creator4 says:

    So far I like the quantum Suit Idea, also the aerogel and iridium. But If your trying to get like a Super mega uber name of awesome for the suit to express its awesomeness, I thought up of the Uber Suit. Though it doesn’t sound realistic, so maybe Upgraded nanosuit or Nanosuit Tech 2?

    Better yet, add a jetpack automatically to the nanosuit, and also make it so that you can run really fast.

  20. Uristqwerty says:

    Or the classic Unobtainium?

    Or perhaps Phlebotinum?

  21. Emeralis00 says:

    For the Armor: Quantum Combat Unit (serious about this one)
    For the material: HAYOmium (this is more for lols)

  22. Onkelkopf says:

    I’d say:

    Organic Nano Suit – Because it is so incredible imba and it changes itself as u as a player do.

  23. Onkelkopf says:

    For the Material:

    Nanites – I’d say.

    Does fit for the organic thing in a way (because Nanites/Nanomites are able to change themself) & fits for the name ‘Nano-Suit’.

  24. 1997dodo says:

    Why not infinitine (in-fih-nah-teen); infinte possibilities!!!

  25. Pokenar says:

    Now that i think about it, Aerogel may not be a good fit for say, the armor, but it would still fit in this, not sure how, but it just seems to fit in.

  26. NeoNlAmp3 says:

    as u said overpowered i thouth of zero point energy the ultima energy source so how about calling it ZeroPoint armor or PointZero Armor made out of casini paltes or vakuum plates ^^. thanks to the ultimate source of energy it can acomplish every think. and i mean why call it titanim blabla when the energy shield protects you?
    to the theories the zeropoint is the vacuum energy of space and its nearly infit it was infinit but the scientist didnt liked the fakt that our space is the greatest energy source in the universe so they made it finite xX stupid
    sorry for my bad english duno whats up today, amnesia or something like that ๐Ÿ˜€

  27. Mike says:

    Material: QG Plasma(maybe 9UUM per QGP and 3 or 4 QCP per armor piece), since it would be more of a power source that is the fancy part of the fancy suit. You could also make a second material for the structure and for this the already stated Iridium would be the best.
    Suit Name: Fancy Suit, The Tux, NVCE Suit (Not very cost effective)
    Link to QC plasma:

  28. FunkDooBiesT says:

    Suit name: REANS <- Really Expencive Advanced Nano Suit
    Material name: Unknown, was discovered by the unique combination with in a unregistered lab and is there for officially known as "Element 682" until the registration is completed and a scientific name can be allocated to the material.

  29. Bafver says:

    No one suggested Adamantium yet?
    can be made from refining adamantite ore and needs special machines to process

  30. Mog says:

    I would suggest dark matter or anti-matter for the element created by UUM since they are able to releashe more energy than anything known to man.

  31. Techmago says:

    Oh god, use anything, but quantum. This isn’t a material!

    As i sayd back there were probably no on will read:

    Quantum mean that is made of something else and use quantum technology. ITs not a material.
    Quantum would fit well in quantum mass generator, quantum teleporterโ€ฆ
    A quantum reactor, for example, would be a device that create power out of nowere (vacum)

    I am saying it again because i wasn’t thinking that you would take it seriously when i was in that point.

    • Alblaka says:

      The suit would be made of X and named “Quantum Suit”.
      Ofc the material wouldn’T be named Quantum. MY current favourite is something with Iridium.

  32. Shiding says:

    Hey, tough there will be no invisibillity, it will be heavily upgraded :3 with extreme costs
    so.. I’m going to drops some names here and some ideas.
    Create 8 Carbon Plates and then in a furnace form and Diamond Dust (or Industrial or normal diamond) in the middle (macerate a Diamond) To create Diamond Reinforced Carbon Plate, the amount recieved from this recipe is up to you, 1-8, 8 isn’t that expensive, but 1, hell your going to need nearly half a stack of diamonds, and if you want even more diamonds worked up to this, just tweek a little with the Carbon Plate/Diamond Dust Ratio

    DRCP=Diamond Reinforced Carbon Plate
    LC=Lapitron Crystal
    CEC=Charged Energy Crystal
    RG=Reinforced Glass
    AC=Advanced Circuit


    [DRCP][CEC][DRCP] (Hold Control to activate Monster Scanner,
    [DRCP] [RG] [DRCP] makes everything darker and monsters light
    [AC] [XXX] [AC] up green, just an idea)

    [DRCP] [AC] [DRCP] Lapitron Crystal is meant for main EU Storage
    [DRCP] [LC] [DRCP] All other Crystals are meant for directing energy
    [DRCP][DRCP][DRCP] into that specific body piece

    [DRCP] [AC] [DRCP] Advanced Circuits for the
    [DRCP] [CEC] [DRCP] Techno stuff worked into
    [DRCP] [XXX] [DRCP] this A-SOME thing

    [XXX] [XXX] [XXX]
    [CEC] [AC] [CEC] These 2 Crystals are both for the
    [DRCP][XXX][DRCP] legs and the feet

    – Ceph Nanosuit
    – The HybridSuit
    – Suit 51
    – The X-Suit
    – The Nano-Charge
    – The Alblaka (suit) :3
    Just comment me if you got any ideas from this ๐Ÿ˜€
    cya ltr cable obsecurator

    • Shiding says:

      Lol fergot about the XXX thing ๐Ÿ˜› maybe replace the Carbon Plates with it, i didnt really read it trough X/ my head was going mad with ideas ๐Ÿ˜›
      well further ideas for Material X could
      (most names are not IRL)
      UUnium, UUmatter in it’s most powerfull form, made by compressing UUmatter and combining it with Obsidean, UU takes the hardness of the Obby but still keeps its flexibillity. Replace the DRCP in my things with this stuff :3, same recipe, UU matter in furnace form and Obsidean in middle or the other way

    • Gronuth says:

      well diamonds are made out of a nearly perfect crystalline carbon structure. Its almost pure carbon though with only minor impurities. Using diamond reinforced carbon plates would really be more like naming it the same thing twice using different names.
      As for the Lapotron Crystal requirement, I agree. The advanced suit needs to be a much harder item to obtain than the normal suit, otherwise you are only just using more of the same material. Since the chestplate uses a forcefield to protect you from damage it would require larger amounts of energy so a lapotron crystal there would be a nice addition. Otherwise the other pieces are smaller energy requirements so they are good with energy crystals.

      • Shiding says:

        well i did leave another comment of using UUmatter to create COmpressed UU-Matter, and then with obby create UUnium and use that as a replacement :3 it uses ALOT or a little UU, depends on the recipe

  33. Techmago says:

    nano = 10โปโน
    pico = 10โปยนยฒ

    pico suit ๐Ÿ˜›

  34. Alex Humva says:

    The armor should be Fortis Armor. Fortis being Latin for ‘strong’.

    No clue what to call XXX though. ๐Ÿ˜

  35. Keyalha says:

    Actually i do think the pico thing is so far the most logical thing so i support that name. And as said it leaves room for t4 and above if it arrives ( which i assume it will someday ). Other than that the only thing i came up with when thinking quickly about it would be something smaller than atoms where only quarks or strings are there as a viable therotical size that is smaller than 10^-9. Altho i admit quark armor sounds a bit odd at least for a native german speaker ๐Ÿ™‚ and string armor itsself might be falsley reffered to as strings which are currently dropped from spiders than from strings out of the superstring theory ( which afaik heisenberg stated first ).

    • Alblaka says:

      The ultimate QUARK SUIT! Now with zero calories :O

      (For non-German speakers: “Quark” in German means “curd” as well)

  36. DaeDroug says:

    Taking a page from Star Trek’s book to fit with the quantum suit, I’d go with either Protomatter or Omicron particles.

    As well for the actual suit you could always go with a Quantum Slipstream Suit ๐Ÿ˜›

  37. b6665 says:

    hmm , a cool name for some “awesome” material.


    Looking Forward to IC2 ๐Ÿ™‚

  38. Tempest says:

    Some stuff i can think of atm which sounds cool for various things:
    Nanite enhanced nano suit
    Mjolnir – Thor’s hammer, capable of levelling mountains, could be a nickname for the mining laser?
    Power armour (
    Ok imagine THAT being built in minecraft, on the trusty wooden workbench of course ๐Ÿ™‚

    And of course duct tape to repair a nuclear reactor meltdown ๐Ÿ˜›

  39. Jonathan says:

    How about Tiberanite? Like, maybe a dark red or dark green metal?

  40. FireVentus says:

    I agree, pico would allow a LOT more suits (Now with 10(12) more particles in every drop.)

  41. Gronuth says:

    Unobtainium is the classical use for elements that have physics-defying characteristics.
    I really really like the Nanite idea though since they are basically nano-machines used to self repair just about anything including armor and flesh.

    As for the suit name we can go with something that sounds like what it does and call it the Accelerator Suit as they did the suit from G.I. JOE.
    Or you can use the suits from mech-warrior, which would work perfect with the nanite name since they used nanites, and you can call it Elemental Armor
    Otherwise if you want to stick with a similar name to what you already have you can use then Quantum Suit sounded ok.

    As for the materials instead of carbon fibers they really should be called carbon nanotubes, if you are going for the super high-tech.

    • Gronuth says:

      Sorry more ideas…
      you could instead use carbon nanotubes as a material for adv suit since they can be used as artificial muscles. They are flexible so dont work as well for a ‘plate’. And you can make them using carbon fiber bundles and nanites or something like that. Then you can use the nanotubes and nanites and lapotron crystals to improve your current suit to give you better strength/healing/shielding features to it.
      As for the helmet, it would be nice to get a little bit of nightvision as its hard to see far in the dark, you could add glowstone as a resource.
      There is also an entertaining ui which looks something like the HUD on halo. I can only get it to work with the pumpkin hat on atm though. It would work very well with the concept of wearing an extremely advanced suit which is highly reliant on energy.

  42. Klopero says:

    Maybe Unobtainium ๐Ÿ™‚
    But seriously
    Tier 2 – Advanced Kevlar armor.
    Tier 3 – Nanites Integrated Armor
    Mineral – Maybe carbon nanopipes or Protonium.

  43. firetire100 says:


  44. t-master says:

    (and you have to build a space miner who flys to pandora to mine it xD)

  45. 1234 says:


  46. Lor says:

    If you want to go mathematical, I agree with the pico-, or attosuit (

    For Star Trek, neutronium? Was the standard ‘supermaterial’ ( on a lot of the Voyager eps.

    For a geeky game reference, Xentronium! (,_materials,_isotopes_and_atomic_particles)

    And of course even more fictional inspiration on that last page.

    Cheers for Naquadah (just please don’t combine with the nuke!) and a mighty HAYO for Hayomium ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Xaiier says:

      Hayomium FTW yes yes yes!


      Perhaps even a “HAYO” sound effect when you get owned by someone with this armor. ๐Ÿ˜›

  47. Inatun says:

    Okay, I just have to throw this out to see if it’ll work but…for XXX, how about energized protodermis? Before you look it up, just think about the name. Of course as soon as you find out where it’s from I’ll probably get a few laughs thrown my way X) Anyways though, I do support the Quantum Suit, it seems a suitable upgrade for the Nano suit after all.

  48. Meredori says:

    What about Goddamium. You have Titanium which is based on the ‘titans’ so we have godamium, a material so strong the gods were annoyed that they created it. “God damn”.

  49. Ranseyer says:

    What about ceramic?

  50. Meredori says:

    Goddamium – A mineral so strong the gods didnt mean to make it. Like Titanium (Titan + ium). Goddamium is God Damn + ium.

  51. ViperLancer says:

    Well, if you want actual material, try this:
    It’s a material called “M5” which is stronger, lighter, and holds up far better than Kevlar. Last they published, they still haven’t even perfected it, and they’re initial low-grade bench produced version out-performed Kevlar in every way. The last set they produced, from the poor-quality original I might add, was nearly twice as strong.

    For fictional base materials, I like Neutronium, but it doesn’t need a force-field to protect it according to the 2 things I know which use it. I still like it.

    For the power side, I think Sakuradite (super-conductive material from Code Geass) or Uru (the fictional metal Thor’s hammer is made from).

    For armor naming, you can either pull from here:
    Or you can use an above name. I personally like Ares or Odin (Armor or Battlesuit).

    For the redesigned laser weapon, I rather like Mjollnir. Maybe Lawgiver, as it does have multiple firing modes, but fires physical projectiles rather than energy. However, this is also a “mining” laser, so I think Mjollnir would be better (can level an entire mountain…).

  52. Drakonis90 says:

    Has anyone suggested Wonderflonium yet?

  53. Max-o-l says:

    For mineral, I would suggest Vanadium. (sc reference ftw)
    FOr the suit name itself, Cellular Reactive Matrix Suit, or in short CRMS-[random number]

    The story behind is?
    By combining the strengths of vanadium together with already used materials, mainly steel, and gallium, it is possible to create an alloy that’s both highly conductive and tough and flexible. Being able to diffuse kinetic impact better. Or in Minecraft terms, the punch of a Zombie, the piercing arrow of a skeleton, or the concussive force of an exploded Creeper.
    By combining the already created plating with the shiny Energy Crystals Alblaka’s researchers were able to create an alloy that has a molecular structure as complex as a biological organism. Making it one of the strongest materials known to Steve, bedrock aside.

  54. kkabcd says:

    Nanosuit tier 3 called the Nano-armour Mk.3

  55. Kirin says:

    I’d suggest a little different idea, for “tier 3 nano-suit”.

    Instead of just making one tier 3 nano-suit set, I’d suggest making 2 tier 3 suits – both made of the awesome power of 2 metals.

    The first would be ‘noctium’, a dark one, since noctis means night. Noctium can be created by UUM, as you said, but also be found in the nether, with – let’s say – 0,1% spawnrate of diamonds in the overworld? So noctium would also be farmable, if someone was crazy enough to farm something even rarer then diamond in the nether.
    Name of the ‘Noctium-Suit’: Luna-Suit

    The second metal would be ‘caelium’, a bright one ( caelium = sky ). Caelium can be found somewhere, I don’t have an idea, maybe in the awesome aether, also with 0,1% spawnrate like noctium.
    The name of the caelium-suit: Solaris-Suit

    Maybe they could get some awesome extras when you stand in the dark / light? Like jumping much higher with the legs, oder something like that :3

    • Kirin says:

      Just came up with a even better name for the armours:

      Nyx-Armour / Suit for the noctium one
      Helios-Armour / Suit for the caelium.

      If you don’t like the “2 metals, 2 suits” idea, you can also just pick the names :3

  56. anarian says:

    How about Staballoy armor? Alloyed from depleted uranium and titanium (or another element like molybdenum).

  57. Bryan says:

    I say feed the ego and go with Alblakium and Alblakium Armor

    hell it is theoretical after all and people get to name the stuff they discover

  58. 1234 says:

    wunderwaffelium btw

  59. Spottedpath says:

    I like Quantum Suit made of Iridium Plating, it sounds realistic

  60. KyleDev says:

    Since the Nanosuit is created at first using carbon fibers, and becomes a “Carbon Plate”, nanotech, combined with the Universal Matter could change it on the molecular level for the material when “Combined Via Recipe” to be -Carbonadium-, which is a carbon composite exposed to the mutagenic properties of Universal Matter. Carbonadium could be a new allow for making weapons and stuff thats better than diamond(much harder to obtain as you can see.) Since it’s synthetic, the armor could be Nanosynth Armor. IE, recipe for making it is, Carbonadium Armor, added to original Nanosuit?

  61. zach says:

    Saturnite alloy from the 3rd of fallout new Vegas add on. it is light weight and is strong only problem is it conducts heat to at an insane level.

  62. MorganIsCewl says:

    So, it’s called ‘Iridium-Plated Quantum Armour’ or something along those lines? Damn, that’s good. I might have to steal misappropriate that name…

  63. talala says:


  64. Kay4k says:

    Does the XXX need to be the structure material, or could it be the power source?
    Whatevs, so here’s an idea for a power source XXX
    Adv. plates + Adv. circuits + Adv. other expensive stuff –>
    High-pressure matter container + Quantum regulator + Annihilation Core
    + some more misc. tech stuff—>Name: —((([[Antimatter-generator]])))—.
    Now for the UUM: The tier3-suit is refilled with much (10?) UUM, fromwhich the built-in generator produces equal amounts of matter and antimatter (or a combination thereof, like Positronium). These annihilate each other to produce pure energy! The energy is not contained (to be subject to cell degradation and such crap) But generated on the spot! Small, hi-tek, awesome, quick but expensive refill (1UUM = 10% of max power).
    For structure material XXX, I’d recommend self-repairing or energy-field based protection. After all, even the hardest, most durable material can be wrecked using enough energy. With field-based defense the only “limit” is power output. Ok, so. Names:
    Nanite-layered plate (puts itself -and maybe the user- back together real quick)
    Bond-augmented plate (uses external power to strengthen particle bonds, making it almost indestructable. Kinda borrowed this one from an old TA fanfic)
    Resonance plate (uses power to generate a forcefield around itself).

    Suit names:
    All-purpose nanotech utility [gear piece]
    Reactive nano-[gear piece]
    Adaptive protector [gear piece]
    Indutrial/High-threat manipulation enhancer [gear piece]

    I might come up with some more later ๐Ÿ˜€

  65. wilson says:

    Off topic but I saw you were going to include a nano-saber. Any chance you could name it the dragons tooth sword in honor of Deus Ex, whose prequel was just released? It would also seem to fit well for you, given that your avatar is a dragon.

  66. Kronuse says:

    For the tier-3 suit:
    Whole Unit: Prototype Combat Exoskeleton

    Head: S.A.M. (Situational Awareness Module)

    Body: Type-7 Ballistic Vest (Type-7 because there’s still pieces left after Chuck Norris gives it a round house kick)

    Leggings: Speed, Performance, and Reflex Integrated Nano Trousers (S.P.R.I.N.T.)

    Feet: The Shoes (not just any kind of shoes, THE Shoes, the kind that if people could speak with capital letters kind of The.)

    For XXX:
    Adamanthril (light weight and it’s what Chuck Norris’ clothes are made of… everything else just can’t handle the friction of his round-house kicks).

    For UUM:
    Liquid Contained Doomsday (L.C.D.; there’s a lot of energy in dem doomsday’s.)

    P.S. The first thing I thought of for the feet was Nigh-Kee but that felt a little too much of a rip off to me. I also thought of calling the whole unit Elemental (goggle “mechwarrior, elemental”) but also felt the same way as with Nigh-Kee for me.

  67. sirbrandino says:

    quantum suit doesn’t roll off the tongue as well. I was thinking maybe quantum energy suit or something like that. It needs a word in between quantum and suit.

  68. MineHippie says:

    I’m throwing a vote for the pico-suit. Just sounds cool.

    As for the material; how’s about meta-material. In real life terms its a material physicists can now make that has completely different properties than normal material. Seriously, the laws of physics are backwards for this stuff. And it doesn’t exist in nature, it has to be man made. In normal materials the electromagnetic forces follow a right handed rule for the flow of energy. In meta-material they follow a left handed rule. The stuff can do so much; super computers, invisibility, and other amazing things. Sounds perfect for the end all beat material of IC2.

  69. Velard says:

    Why not call the Tier 3 material Gibblite? Make Hayolite Armor out of it. Hayolite Armor was first used by the ancient Hayolite civilization that existed millions of years ago, but became extinct due to powerstruugles over the godly power of Gibbl. However, the secret for creating Gibblite has been safely guarded by ancestors of the Hayolites. Until now. ๐Ÿ˜›

    TL;DR: Tier 3 Material – Gibblite
    Tier 3 Armor – Hayolite Armor

  70. thekillman says:

    How about N2 and N3?

    why not a suit made of a Trinium-Nanocarbon fiber? Trinium being an exotic form of matter only produceable from UUM?

    the names being a Nanosuit and the Trinosuit. (TRinium NanOcarbon Suit.)

  71. Gronuth says:

    Whatever you decide to use you have to at least allow us the option to turn on this UI when wearing the advanced helm. I currently have it loaded when i put on the pumpkin hat but would love it if you could find a way to integrate it with this high-tech piece of equipment. Optional to turn on or off in case some people find it annoying while building?

  72. Richard says:

    Silk steel




    Depleted-X (X= iron, gold, whatever)

    Uranium Carbide

    or really any elemental compound combo

  73. Joshua21B says:

    Myolner (myol-n(ee)r;) armor made from Myolnerium. Based off of Thor’s hammer Mjรถlnir

  74. DocTezla says:

    omnium because it’s made out of UUM, the equivalent of omnipotence in IC

  75. Tucker says:

    im thinking that meta materials a cool idea

    but also as a side note Naquada(h) would be cool to have as an uber uranium (but maybe fast burning so its hard to use all the power) and ZPMs (zero point modules) would be awesome as an uber energy storage

  76. Paranaix says:

    Technetium; its sound fictional and fits to IC but is a real element and as an oxyanion it can be used to stop steel from corrision. If cooled below 7K it has a very low magnetic penetration depth and therefor could be used in the nanosuit to build up a strong power field without harming the body.
    Unfortunaly its radioactive, but we dont need to tell that the customers ๐Ÿ˜‰

  77. oeglam says:

    metaleX, like in metal-X would be a good name.

  78. nupanick says:

    Has anyone said Mithril yet? The name pops up in fantasy novels sometimes, and I think it’s supposed to be a really durable and magical metal or something. It would make sense if you couldn’t just find it by mining.

  79. Termt says:

    how about naming the mineral Unobtainium? seeing as its going to be rare as hell, might as well make it obvious in the name.

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