Probably done

SWP is scheduled over, now i’ve got a few days of waiting to be told whether i’ve passed or will have to rework the program within the next week.

If first one applys, only one small exam left and then it’s 6 weeks of free time > IC² Coding

Or, to quote Nappa:
“This is gonna be my best… day… ever…”
Just replace day with week… uhm month… uhm… … “oneandahalfmonth”

Posted in News | 31 Comments

1.70 out now

Get it, while it’s still hot.

Changelog attached to the release post ^^’

Be advised, as i’m fulltime busy with SWP, most stuff was done and will be fixed by Player, Richard and the other crewmembers ^^

Posted in News | 37 Comments

Delay for next update

We’re currently trying to accustum to the new Forge version. For some reason the new fixed Armor-Hook we proposed got sort of missimplemented. Actually forge should sort of entirely null any sort of vanilla armor effects currently (feel free to test how fast zombies kill you whilst wearing a full diamond set, would love to get confirmation on this).

As known to you already, IC is currently not compatible with that “fixed new” hook and the actual fix we need for nanosuit ETC is still not in.
Most likely a missunderstanding, but unless that Forge version is fixed up, it’s sort of pointless to release 1.65.

It’s fixed up, we’re working on the 1.70 version.

Posted in News | 81 Comments

Casual status update

So, let’s make a short sitrep regarding all current stuff:

  • IC² 1.64 is considerably bugged, still. Most issues on SMP are related to MLMP or MCForge issues.
  • Due to studies, i’ll probably be entirely busy for the next few weeks.
  • Luckyly the Dev Team (and currently exspecially Richard) is polishing the code quite a lot, hunting bugs whereever they get spotted.
  • Depending on the debugging process, next release (mainly fixing) stuff should be scheduled soon. We’ll probably wait for the next stable version of MCForge (1.3.2/3).
  • A set of Energy Drinks is done, but it will probably not be included in the next update, given it’s a new set of code probably consisting of a load of bugs. Would delay the release.
  • There are still no CropCard Addons 🙁
  • Coded a few classes for abstract Ballistical weapons on my offline-working Laptop.
  • Secret project is on a halt, given Drashian didn’t find much time to work on it the past weeks.
  • Still tinkering with the implementation of the ForceField Addon into core IC².
  • The cake is not a lie, it even has strawberry flavour :3
Posted in News | 71 Comments

It’s over one thousand!

Not entirely relevant but ye, Donations have hit the 4 digit mark today :3

Posted in News | 25 Comments


17 to go :3

7 left 😀

Tipp: It’s not days until x.


Submitted on 2012/01/30 at 06:48
Is it donations until some milestone?

We’ve got a winner. 7$ to go until we hit the 4 digits.

At this point, many thanks for all the supporters out there, your donations are well appreciated ^^

Posted in News | 160 Comments


Hotfix released, version is now 1.63

It was actually ready quite a few hours ago, but as you probably noticed, we had a few DataBase issues.

Mainly fixes for various crashes, but as well two new items, Electric Treetap and Toolbox.

1.64 released. Download links may need a few minutes to become avaible, try again if you get an error.

Contains another set of fixes, should repair the stuff-cant-be-placed-on-modblocks issue by forge.

Posted in News | 26 Comments

Forestry Incompatibility

Forestry 1.3.0 is incompatible with IC2 due to a last minute API change. Replace the ic2/api folder inside forestry-client-A-1.3.0.jar with  the matching folder from our client jar file to fix the issue.

Unless Forestry updated the API by itself, that is.

Forestry got updated with the newest API, downloading it again should solve any issue by itself.

Posted in News | 11 Comments

Get your F5 keys ready

Just do.


You can stop torturing your F5 Key now. Instead torture your Minecraft 1.1:


Have fun and all stuff ^^


PS: 217 views within 18 minutes. Means ~6-7 views (and most likely downloads) each minute. IC became quite known, didn’t it :3 thanks for your dedication, all fans.

Posted in News | 30 Comments

Extremely well-made, yet old, speech

Don’t get mistaken by the beard,it’s Charly Chaplin, a somewhat famous Comedian of old times.
This is a video remake of a past speech of his and I actually think it’s quite worth to listen. Consider spending a few minutes on it ^^


While you wait for IC 1.61 to be finally released, damn bugs.

Posted in News | 29 Comments